#buildthreads My (and together with a cousin) "at the end of the day it's just a corolla" AE86.

Car as we got it

#buildthreads My (and together with a cousin)

Car as we got it

#buildthreads My (and together with a cousin)

we started with the rust one, and it’s on the final stage of the rebuild, we just need to paint it and start to move stuff back into the car again. at this point we will not remember where goes everything so…

Our idea with this proyect was:

Ok, we reaaaaaally want an AE86, but they are so expensive (10.000€) and we have no money. So one day my cousin Alex told me, dude a friend of mine sells one, it was a proyect he never started, and its really cheap because its so messed up it needs a lot of work.

So we went to see it, and it was cheap enough for us to buy it, and everything we save every month went to the hachi. We have mechanic experience, but not with this kind of huge proyect, so most of it was new for us. And the car was fully dissasembled on the inside, and the wiring was off, and we had no where to look where the pieces go. It was a big puzzle the first month.

Anyway the owner was so nice to us, and now we are friends. They say when you sell a really special car you usually keep in touch with the old owned, and in this case was like it. We are friends, he helps us a lot (he have another AE86), in fact we didn’t pay him for months and it was fine… geez, we own him so much, and he will be our teacher, since people (and him too) says the AE86 is tricky to drive. we’ll see.

Our guide is:

  • Restore it
  • Improve it
  • Drift it
  • Crash it
  • Rebuild again

we just at step 1, and for more than a year!

some pieces missing on the engine
some pieces missing on the engine

The owned said “the car was running fine last time we fire it up, some years ago. should be no problem” as long as you get a batery, fix the intake and a few more details.

We striped it down at home, and it was almost rust free, like 2 or 3 spots that we saw on the first check, but we were wrong.
We striped it down at home, and it was almost rust free, like 2 or 3 spots…

The chasis was in good shape. We have no experience dealing with rust, so we were a bit scared of it, but only a couple places were bad, like under the spare wheel, and around the wheel arch. nothing serious so far.

superficial rust and dirt all over the place
superficial rust and dirt all over the place

we expended weeks cleaning everything. but it payed at the end.

chasis painted, but as we did more times, we rushed it and we ended doing it again. you know, we can't wait! haha
chasis painted, but as we did more times, we rushed it and we ended doing…
The superficial rust was really bad
The superficial rust was really bad

It was a bit scary the looks on the pieces. But the owner told us he drove it around a circuit while raining the last time the car moved, so it was all wet and went into the garage. So we really hoped everything was good under that rust layer. and it was


Our first idea was to trash the engine and put it a new silver top, or even the black top (we have it on a box, lying around in the floor) but we had no money (we’re like MCM, no budget at all so…) and we thought we should learn to drive it first with the small engine, we have time later on to put in a serious one.

so at the end...
so at the end...

We decided to rebuild it, and it was fun as hell, and we learned a lot!

#buildthreads My (and together with a cousin)

Now we just need to paint it, and buy a couple of things to finish the engine. We took it for a head gasket work, check on all the internals, tolerances were ok, cleaned everything, new seals, magnet bolt for the oil, new belts and all the usual stuff.


tell me you're joking
tell me you're joking

Yes fellas, we don’t belong here im affraid.

In fact I have a question for you all.

And an AE86..
And an Alfa romeo with a boxer engine.

what makes me here? I alwais feel bullied with all the prius hate =( im a worthy CT member? a shame to you all? haha.

we getting ready for the paint
we getting ready for the paint

At this stage we just need to paint it. And if i get lucky ill get Yasid to desing a kick ass paint job for it, we will see =)

the car is full of japanese writing
the car is full of japanese writing

We found a lot of texts lying around in the back of some pieces. we think they are notes about assembly, since there was even ones done with a welder in the plastic.

its the first car we fix on the outside
its the first car we fix on the outside

we are going really slowly, since we screw up everything all the time. but as we learn the job is starting to be better, faster and we don’t waste so much materials on it.

The original car had more than 300.000km
The original car had more than 300.000km

This is one of the reasons we went for the rebuild of the engine, it was pretty beaten up. but since we opened it we found the other owned had rebuild it once and it was in a pretty good shape.


The T-VIS was a funny one. We had no idea on how it worked, and it was broken, it was stuck. Using Toyota manual, we maded to work again, and learned how it works. we were thinking about a small electric motor or something that open up and close it on demand, and it was just a small magnet moving a small piece that blocks the air from getting sucked at the valves. (I might screw on the terminology, sorry)

We are testing the color for the engine bay right now
We are testing the color for the engine bay right now

Btw, if you wanna see all the proyect (in spanish, sorry, but you can see the pretty pictures, we have hundreds and some random videos) the web is on my profile.

Remote video URL

And regarding "At the end of the day it's just a corolla", wich is true

It has it's advantages too. true story.
It has it's advantages too. true story.



I always tell all you guys saying “Awww, my an AE86 is sooo hard and expensive ti get insurance for”, just tell them the truth, tell them it’s an old Toyota Corolla. AE86 STILL is only the INTERNAL name of Toyota for the car. It’s like calling the Generation 4 Supra JZA80 all the time.

Apart from that, I love your art of storytelling. Please make a long story like this once it is finished. Or for every major part done. Or both.

02/16/2016 - 20:32 |
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Jorge Enanon

In reply to by Xpect

I can do it, im just not fluent enough with english on this matter, I made so many mistakes… ill try to improve it and I will upload the story in english, got all the work recorded and with pictures =).

aaaand yes, this is a toyota corolla, a familiar old car, that’s what it is in papers, that’s what it is to the insurance, and that’s what it is for the goverment. it won’t pay taxes.

it’s perfect!

02/16/2016 - 23:48 |
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Gran proyecto el que teneis en marcha tios, lo que daría yo por ver alguna joya así por donde vivo :( jajaja

Animo y que suene ese 4A-GE ;)

02/16/2016 - 23:53 |
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Very nice project !

02/17/2016 - 12:21 |
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