Are These Unusual Facts About Michael Schumacher True Or False?
Think you know all there is to know about Michael Schumacher's career? Then test yourself on some of the more obscure moments with this quiz
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A version of this article was originally posted on WTF1.
3/10 fml
6/10 :(
10/10 damn difficult questions! I mean I did do this quiz a few days ago on WTF1 and the answers were still fresh in my mind so thats why I got 10/10
7/10 but you can’t know all those questions. Guessed like 6 of the 10.
Sweet I got —/10
7/10 I knew absolutely nothing but you could sort of tell by how the questions were asked which ones were true or false.
I guessed all of this
4/10 only got the last ones