Can You Get 100% In This Brake Light Quiz?

Reckon you can tell what a car is just from its brake lights? Give this quiz a go. If you're particularly geeky, you should be able to get 100 per cent...

Source: Select Car Leasing


Aron van Elk

FIAT 500 is bullsh!t, backlights only cover 3/4 of the rectangle, down side of it is the reverse light. LIES

09/19/2016 - 20:08 |
10 | 0
Anton 3

This is how I used to recognise cars on the streets as a kid, I was looking at the tail light. No wonder I got 100 percent.

09/19/2016 - 20:12 |
0 | 0

I feel this is bad for some reason

09/19/2016 - 20:16 |
0 | 0
Flo B.

100 % in second try. YES!

09/19/2016 - 20:18 |
0 | 0

BMW guys be like “Finally a quiz I can do good at”

09/19/2016 - 20:20 |
26 | 8

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

audis too =)

09/20/2016 - 10:49 |
4 | 2

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Throw an indicators quiz on their quiz

09/22/2016 - 09:53 |
0 | 2
Alex Gaasenbeek

Phew, I do have to say that I didn’t know that Jaguar and Honda made a car together.

09/19/2016 - 20:33 |
68 | 2

TBF there is the JAG F-Type-R

12/14/2016 - 06:58 |
0 | 0

Your score: 10 / 10
75% - 100%

Nice job! You know your cars.

09/19/2016 - 20:45 |
0 | 0

I should get 100% with no problem, I drive a slow car

09/19/2016 - 20:52 |
4 | 0

Interesting how I did so well considering I’ve never seen a cars taillights before

09/19/2016 - 20:53 |
0 | 0


09/19/2016 - 20:57 |
0 | 0

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