Can You Get Level 'Expert Mechanic' On This Car Parts Quiz?
Most of us would admit that, while we’re happy to change an air filter or install a CD player, we’re not pro mechanics. Luckily, you shouldn’t have to be for this little test. Let us know what level you are in the comments below!
That awkward moment when you’re actually a mechanic…
I always watch chrisfix videos. This is easy
The carthrottle app needs work. I always see posts twice, videos can’t play sometimes, etc. end up having to go to the website for a lot of things. Kinda thought the app for solely catthrottle would have better function. Not hating just commenting for change
Can someone give me the link it tells me content not available
Holy s**t I thought I was mediocre at best, seem like I’m a lot better than I thought!
Dude im a 13 year old expert mechanic lol!
Chill kidz, it was easy. You’re not expert mechanics lol.
My friend considers me a ricer, I barely consider myself a car guy after recently discovering that Audi has no rwd cars, And I got the same answer ;)
This just proves I’m slightly decent at naming and identifying, but working on a car is much different. I’m pretty sure majority of the CT population got this too…