Make a Lego car (or have your kid make one for you) from scratch with NO directions, then post pics with the #LegoCarChallenge
Make a Lego car (or have your kid make one for you) from scratch with NO directions, then post pics with the #LegoCarChallenge
That’s cute #Stancelife
Is that with no directions?
HAHA you just rekt his lifee😂😂
Completely off-topic but I’ve got the same Tesla poster =P
Cool challenge but I’m at college and i left my legos at home 😭
Is this classic mini good enough?
Look at that booty hmmm
Best I could imagine this size
The rear reminds me of VW thing
And it even rolls just fine with that camber and low :D
Any prize? Even if there isn’t, I will still win!
No prize, just fame
Internet points