What year is it and what are you driving?

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RodriguezRacer456 (Aventador SV) (Lambo Squad)

This was the most powerful car of the 1879 model year. It has one horsepower

02/29/2016 - 18:53 |
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Still driving the Delorean during the Middle Age, will still shine as a cuirass

02/29/2016 - 19:01 |
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did they even had donkey’s at that time?

02/29/2016 - 19:10 |
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Callum Luke Norris

Driving a Donkey , 4 WT and top speed of 5mph on a good day…with carrots

02/29/2016 - 19:19 |
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The 5841 Pagani Zonda Revolucion R Evo BC LM R Quattro RS Hybrid Roadster… You though Pagani stopped making the Zonda in 2011? Well, you though wrong xD

02/29/2016 - 19:29 |
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Matthew Henderson

1959, a Ferrari 250 GT Berlinetta Passo Corto. Because why wouldn’t you love the sound of the 90° longtudinal triple Weber carburettor 285HP 4.0l V12? i wish.. 37, guess i’m walking.

02/29/2016 - 19:49 |
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I will be driving my feet. One in front of the other. In sandals. With the roman empire

02/29/2016 - 19:50 |
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Joel Peñaló
  1. Currently on the USS Enterprise NCC-1701-K
02/29/2016 - 19:51 |
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my score is 333….so Rocks?

02/29/2016 - 20:07 |
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Guess I’m Walking

02/29/2016 - 20:16 |
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