The 10 Most Popular Car Names Are Mostly Quite Ridiculous

Carwow did a survey of UK car owners to find out what they called their car - it appears we like to give our cars names that haven't been popular for decades!
The 10 Most Popular Car Names Are Mostly Quite Ridiculous

To some people, a car is an inanimate object; a seat on wheels that gets you from A to B without getting you wet if it’s raining. But for most of us, cars are part of the family, and when your car has character and personality, it’s only fair to give it a name.

Carwow has done a survey of UK motorists to find out what they call their car, and the results read like the register of a World War 2-era classroom - apparently we like to give our cars some rather old fashioned names. The most popular name was Bob, followed closely behind by Betty and Betsy. Names beginning with ‘B’ dominate the top 10, making up six of the results.

Perhaps our favourite answer has to be ‘The Beast’, which snuck in at number nine. Some of the stranger names that didn’t quite make it onto the top 10 list included Silver Dream Machine and Loser Cruiser, as well as the utterly bizarre Oink Oink.

  1. Bob
  2. Betty
  3. Betsy
  4. Fred
  5. Bertha
  6. John
  7. Baby
  8. Bessie
  9. The Beast
  10. Harry

Have you given your car a name? Let us know in the comments!

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