10 Reasons Why F1 Would Suck Without Crashtor Maldonado
He may not be the most popular driver among the F1 fraternity, but Pastor Maldonado certainly spices things up for us viewers!

There’s no denying that Pastor Maldonado is a quick racing driver. But a lot of the time, he makes mistakes, crashes and generally makes us laugh with awkwardness. Here are 10 reasons why we’re secretly lucky to have him in the sport:
1. He crashes into other drivers for the LOLs

5. Despite his faults, he's proven his skill before

Image source: Williams Martini Racing
6. He's got 'the big balls'

Image source: Lotus F1 Team
7. Maldonado’s overtakes have been brilliant in the past

Image source: Lotus F1 TEam
10. And last but not least...he's the perfect villain!

Only Maldonado can boast to having a website dedicated to whether or not he has crashed. What are your favourite memories from his F1 career so far?
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