10 Reasons Why Forza Horizon 3 Is Brilliantly Addictive

A little while ago we got to try out a preview build of the new Forza Horizon 3, it’s a pretty addictive game and takes the franchise to a whole new level. Here’s why!

The map in Forza Horizon 3 is, quite simply, huge. It’s twice as big as the previous instalment of the Horizon series and features a range of different areas, some of which I didn’t even get to explore during the preview session – there was just too much!

It’s easy to get immersed in the game with such a big map and it means there’s always a new place to find and explore, which should keep the game feeling fresh for longer. If you want to take a break from racing, it’s fun to just take a drive around and see what you find.

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As you’ve been seeing on CT over the past few weeks, the cars in Forza Horizon 3 have been revealed in chunks. There are over 350 to choose from and try out, so there really is something for everyone. It’s the most extensive list ever in Forza Horizon and is incredibly diverse too, from off-roaders to classics and muscle cars – the SUVs were my favourite from the preview session, as it’s fun chucking them around the forest! There are even special cars like the Warthog from Halo.

3. Fun handling

10 Reasons Why Forza Horizon 3 Is Brilliantly Addictive

You don’t buy Forza Horizon 3 for the simulation, ultra-realistic handling. That’s what the Forza Motorsport series is for. The driving dynamics in Horizon are more arcade-like, but that makes it fun and easier to get to grips with in the early stages. A lot of the cars feel quite similar handling-wise and it’s more slidey than I prefer, but it remains enjoyable to play and race.

4. Exploring

10 Reasons Why Forza Horizon 3 Is Brilliantly Addictive

As I mentioned earlier, the map is huge and this means there’s always something to discover. I only really got to try out a few parts of the map but already, the level of detail was incredibly impressive and it was awesome to drive around and see just how immersive the game is.

5. In-game tasks

10 Reasons Why Forza Horizon 3 Is Brilliantly Addictive

Alongside races, there are also smaller in-game tasks. One of them involved driving a 2017 Nissan GT-R around the city streets, while another gave me a completely empty building site to cause havoc on. They’re not particularly difficult and aren’t as rewarding as races but they mix things up nicely and are pretty enjoyable.

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One of my favourite elements in Forza Horizon 3 is the level to detail. It was already pretty strong in the second installment but this has been taken to whole new levels with the new game. What makes it even more impressive is that the detail remains consistent and strong through the whole map and it makes just looking at the scenery and surroundings a nice experience.

7. Exciting visuals

10 Reasons Why Forza Horizon 3 Is Brilliantly Addictive

Forza Horizon games have always been renowned for their strong visuals and graphics. I’m happy to report that it remains a truly stunning game to look at, especially with the detail levels and differing scenery. The jungle sections are particularly exciting visually, as is the wet weather system.

8. Australia – the perfect location

10 Reasons Why Forza Horizon 3 Is Brilliantly Addictive

The new Forza Horizon game is set in Australia and really does include all of the country’s landscapes – the outback, heavy forest, pristine beaches and busy urban areas. There’s a lot to discover both on and off road and it also includes some classic Aussie cars.

9. The story

10 Reasons Why Forza Horizon 3 Is Brilliantly Addictive

In Forza Horizon 3 you are in charge of the Horizon Festival and the things you do in the game directly impact how big it can be and how fast it will grow. Race and task results can speed up or slow down this process, so there’s a constant need to be doing them to try and advance as high as possible. I only got a small taste of the story but the cinematic sequences are beautifully done and it seems like a much more engrossing story compared to Forza Horizon 2.

10. Horizon Blueprint

10 Reasons Why Forza Horizon 3 Is Brilliantly Addictive

So I didn’t actually try this bit out but I had a look around and it sounds pretty fun and will mix up the game even more. Horizon Blueprint allows you to customise the existing races in the game – from route to cars allowed – and share them with friends, as well as playing other blueprint races made by people in the Horizon world. It’ll add an extra element to the game and hopefully prevent it from becoming a bit stale towards the end.

What are you looking forward to most from Forza Horizon 3 when it’s released for Xbox One and Windows 10 on September 27? Let us know in the comments!

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Renault GTR

Everyone’s so hyped for FH3, while I can’t run Forza Apex. :( I hate “next-gen” so much…

09/13/2016 - 15:39 |
1 | 0

vzemi si novi chasti na komputera :D

09/13/2016 - 15:47 |
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You can upgrade if you have a PC, it’s not super expensive

09/13/2016 - 17:51 |
1 | 0

I’d like to pre-order it but my next paycheck doesn’t com until next friday! :(

09/13/2016 - 15:45 |
1 | 0

I dont know but i think if youj preorder then and get the ultimate you can still go for the early acess which is then next friday. But to know that clearly better ask a forza

09/13/2016 - 21:59 |
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That moment when you want to wait for it to become cheaper but you also want to play it like no tomorrow.

09/13/2016 - 15:45 |
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Fnd Biggels

Can’t wait to get my hands on the full game!

09/13/2016 - 15:45 |
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Fad Hill

Meanwhile I’m over here, crossing my fingers that this car appears in a DLC or as a hidden car. Cus it’s not even in the main list *sobs.

09/13/2016 - 15:46 |
2 | 1

This looks like Gran Turismo
The irony

09/13/2016 - 17:11 |
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Jelle Dik

Fun handling? you mean terrible handling, driving along the coast and hitting the water doesn’t slow my lambo, but water splashes do. having a rwd buggy and driving 80+ mph and not even having the slightest form of going sideways.
heavy breaking in mid corners no problem, you are even faster when you slam in the wall and continue on driving.
Yes I have everything turned of I even drive with manual and clutch.
Every new horizon game or horizon like game I hope for atleast some form of realism but no, lets put in need for speed physics

09/13/2016 - 15:57 |
0 | 4

They are far from NFS physics :P
And it’s Horizon, realism goes out the window xD

09/13/2016 - 16:54 |
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not buying this shaite

09/13/2016 - 16:09 |
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Martin Bumaye

And i’m sitting here still playen Horizon 1…

09/13/2016 - 16:24 |
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Brian Torres

Does anyone think the deluxe 100$ version is worth it? I’m considering it and looking for some opinions

09/13/2016 - 16:29 |
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IT is!

09/13/2016 - 17:39 |
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The Volvo Guy (Ikea Meatballs)

1 Reason why Forza Horizon 3 is brilliantly addictive: IT’S FORZA HORIZON!

09/13/2016 - 16:44 |
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