10 Unexpected Driving Dangers To Prepare For This Winter

From drunken Santas, drifting Miatas and buses that will stop at nothing to get to their stop, here are some of the things you need to be aware of when the temperature drops

1. Drunk Santas


The by-products of Christmas-themed fancy dress parties can be quite a sight. Make sure you keep a safe distance behind any car dropping off presents at night.

2. Snow transporters


Some people think they've got too much going on in their lives to warrant spending an extra two minutes clearing the snow from the tops of their cars. Once up to speed, it's exactly these vehicles you need to steer clear of.

3. Miata & RX7 drivers


Winter is the time of year when us RWD enthusiasts can really enjoy slow speed, tail-out action without worrying too much about tyres. Young hooners take advantage of this by drifting around roundabouts and in car parks. Enjoy the show, but be prepared for impact!

4. Overtaking bus drivers


While your wheels spin furiously on icy slopes, keep checking your mirrors; bus drivers hate to be behind schedule.

5. Unexpected animal crossings


When our main man Santa doesn't get harassed by the police, he's out hooning his 9 horsepower sleigh. Because he has to visit millions of houses in just one night, make sure you don't get in the way. Rudolph kicked in, yo!

6. Christmas tree transporters


Having only one Christmas tree is too mainstream. Watch out for drivers who roam the streets with a medium-sized forest tied to their roof-rack.

7. Russians


Keep your eyes peeled for Russians driving in the wrong lane. You might not be as lucky as this guy.

8. Cars that look like yours


We don't want to spoil the video for you guys, but always make sure you don't spend your morning cleaning the neighbour's car...

9. Ricers


Having learnt 'Advanced Car Control' from the Fast And Furious series, these self-proclaimed drift kings have been waiting all year to put their driving skill into practice. Steer clear!

10. Norwegians


We've already seen a Rolls-Royce drifting on wet grass, but it seems this is nothing new to the Scandinavians who take to snow with sideways opulence. Just make sure you look out when they do; over two tonnes takes quite some stopping.

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