10 Of The Weirdest Things An F1 Fan Can Buy

1. He's Putin himself out there

Vladimir Putin made a creepy and late entrance into the weekend’s Russian Grand Prix, but did you know he actually appeared on some of the merchandise? These weird shirts being sold in Sochi featured Putin Photoshopped as an F1 driver. To make matters worse, that’s not even an F1 car on the white shirt…
2. Bernie's book

This ‘Bernie Edition’ F1 book may not seem that odd, but what if I told you it cost $1m (£622,000)? Auctioned off last year, this 852-page tome came in a carbonfibre case and included passes to all 19 rounds of the 2014 season.
3. Highly realistic Ecclestone dolls

If you love Bernie enough to buy something else to go with your $1m book, Suzuka actually sells these weird Bernie dolls at the circuit.
4. A champion's facial hair

Japan is no stranger to odd merchandise. This year they paid tribute to Nigel Mansell by selling these ‘Lion Heart’ moustaches.
5. Face off

And for those who love dressing up as an F1 driver, why not try a Lewis Hamilton or Jenson Button mask?
6. Schuey's stats pillow

No one has stranger merchandise than Michael Schumacher. Bum-bags, bracelets, pillows; you name it.
7. Canned heat

And that’s just his official store. Schumacher collectables go as far as… his exhaust gases in a can.
8. Prancing Horse loafers

All car fans know Ferrari will sell just about anything with its logo on, but the worst of the worst is surely these country club loafers with a ridiculous price of £360.
9. Because Russia

Lewis Hamilton is giving Michael Schumacher a run for his money as the face of strange F1 merchandise, as evidenced by these Russian dolls that look… well, nothing like him.
10. Design lvl: expert

Hamilton’s face seems to be plastered on just about anything on eBay, including this horrific-looking pillow designed on what appears to be Microsoft Word.
Think you can do better? Share some F1 merch horror below.
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