12 Car Acronyms Given Alternative Meanings
We've all come up with our own meanings behind well-known car acronyms, haven't we? In the interests of lightening the mood, we asked you to come up with your own hilarious explanations - here are the results!
BMW = Blinkers Mean What?
RWB = Really Wide Booty
Actually stands for Rauh-Welt Begriff, in case you were wondering, which translates from German to something like ‘Rough World Concept’. We prefer this CTzen’s explanation, though…
GMC = Give Me Cheeseburgers
Golf GTI = Golf Turns Interesting
TRD - Toyota Ricing Department
HSV = Hilariously Slow Vehicle
One the Ford Falcon fans might enjoy…
MSO - Mr Shmee's Obsession
VTEC = Very Technical Emissions Control
It sort of is!
STI = Speed Transmitted Infection
Civic SI = Slightly Impaired
When compared to the Type R…
Golf GTE = Golf Turns Electric
He’s half right!
AMG = "Ah, Mein Gott!"
To see the original community question, click here. And if you have another suggestion, make sure you put it in the comments below!
Back at home we say “BMW:бърка масло и вода” which translates to “mixes oil and water”
in Afrikaans, we call a BMW a “Blik Met Wiele” (translates as a “Tin-can with wheels”)
Audi = Ah u don’t improve
Chevrolet: Can Hear Every Valve Rap On Long, Extended Trips.
oo (who)
kar (cheating but i don’t care, living the savage life)
I am proud of what I have accomplished
Mopar=mostly old parts and rust
Ford= f*ed on race day/fix or repair daily/ found on road dead
LS: Lemme smash
Me and friend made a acronym for Lamborghini once, if I only I could remember what it was.
In spanish: SEAT= Siempre Estarás Apretando Tornillos (You will always be tightening screws).
FIAT = Fix It Again Tomorrow