12 Shia LaBeouf Gifs That Perfectly Sum Up Being A Petrolhead
Put Hollywood's most enigmatic leading man into Gif form, and it's surprising how easy it is to link him to the life of a petrolhead...

1. When someone insults your ride, and you try to stay cool

2. But someone else compliments it, which feels good

3. When your friend can't decide if they want to buy an awesome car from the classifieds

4. But then they do, earning your respect

5. When you fix a friend's car, and everyone's in awe of your skill

6. When you've sold your ride, but you know it's going to a fellow car geek

7. When someone at the lights wants to race you, so you give them 'the nod'

8. Then you win the race, and do a celebration dance

9. When you spot a stock S14 Nissan Silvia

10. When your other half wants to go out and see a show, but not Fast and Furious

11. When you see that your pride and joy has been stolen

12. When you're at a race, and the cars are so close you want to touch them

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