12 Silly Things Everyone Who's Driven A Car Can Relate To
Owning a car isn't like owning any other inanimate object. We bond with our cars and relationships grow, so it's not surprise we grow some habits with our rides that are often weird, but totally relatable!
That moment of satisfaction when your blinker gets synced up with the car in front of you.
Cutting off leaner drivers so they can get a taste of the real world
Or being a learner driver in a crappy car and losing everyone in the corners…. that used to be me, until I passed my test :P
Spot other nice cars on the road, exclaiming “ohhhh, that’s a ——-, that car does/has ——-. Sorry, continue…” effectively cutting off the conversation going on between you and your passenger/person on the other end of the line.
Did exactly that upon seeing a supra go by while driving. I cut off my friend but was disappointed as he didn’t know what a supra was & showed 0 interest.
hahaha. This is great and so true.
I have tested the range on the keys in the mountains and it worked. I always take race lines when traffic is light or non existent
The Top Gear GIF that’s on the 10th thing ( testing the range of your keys ), what episode is that from?
A lot of the time I actually want to catch the red light so that I have a clear road ahead of me when the lights go green…
The range of my keys is 0…
Skipping gears like a trucker and coasting in neutral just to stretch out the mpg to the next station.
Ever shifted from 2 to 5? I did :D
joey <3