12 Terrible Presents No Petrolhead Wants This Christmas

If your loved ones have bought you a car-themed gift this Christmas, you'll hope it's not one of these

Main featured christmas gifts

The festive day is now upon us, and your friends and relatives will no doubt have thought hard about what gift to buy you. They know you're a car guy, so will have shopped accordingly. However well-meaning they are though, it's possible they'll have made a shockingly poor choice.

To show you just how wrong people can get it, we've compiled a list of spectacularly lame (and some slightly fictitious) presents. Let's hope you don't open any of these!

1. Carbonfibre Ferrari Cufflinks

Ferrari cufflinks

These cufflinks manage to be both tacky and stupidly expensive. You'll look like a tool wearing these if you don't own a Ferrari, and probably an even bigger tool if you do.

Price: £100+

2. Prius T-Shirt


It's hard to think of anything more offensive to a petrolhead than a T-shirt with the world's most boring car plastered on the front.

Price: £20

3. 200mph On DVD

200Mph dvd

This laughably bad film is probably the worst car movie ever made. Created by The Asylum, the studio that brought you delights such as Titanic 2 and Mega Shark Versus Giant Octopus, this train-wreck of a film was released as a 'mockbuster' to cash in on release of Fast Five.

Price: £10 (about £10 too much)

4. Driving Tuition With Pastor Maldonado


There are lots of driving experience gifts out there, but having the chance to be tutored by the crashiest driver in F1 since Taki Inoue takes some beating.

Disclaimer: We may have made this one up a bit...

Price: If it existed, probably quite expensive.

5. French Fries Holder


If not having anywhere to put your fries while you drive is a frequently-occurring problem, that's probably a sign that you need to cut down on the fast food.

Price: £5

6. Headlight Eyelashes


If there were a prize for the worst car accessory ever, these hideous things would win it.

Price: £10

7. Car-Themed Socks

Picture 25

Socks with pictures of cars on them are the least-fashionable item of clothing ever. Even us unfashionable car guys know that much...

Price: £3-10

8. Sebastian Vettel 'Finger' Phone Cover

vettel phone cover

If you find Sebastian Vettel's trademark victory salute irritating, just imagine having it stuck to the back of your phone.

Price: £22

9. Car-Branded Fragrances

VTEC aftershave

OK, so we may have made this particular fragrance up, but any car-branded perfume (Ferrari, Bentley and Cadillac sell them, to name but a few) is properly lame.

Price: £10-70

10. Porsche Design Chopsticks

Picture 26

Ever wanted to combine your love of Southeast Asian food and Porsches? Well, now you can. (Except that you shouldn't!)

Price: £60

11. Big Rigs Video Game


There are plenty of shoddy racing games out there, but this has to be the worst. If you've not heard of Big Rigs, the video below will give you all the confirmation you need.


Price: £5 or under in the 'bargain' bin

12. An Actual Prius

Toyota Prius 2010

Prius T-shirt not offensive enough for you? If you're from a rich family, just imagine getting an actual Prius for Christmas. Bad times.

Price: £22,000

If you can think of any other presents no petrolhead should receive this Christmas, let us all know in the comments section.

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