17 Terrible Car Mods As Seen On Reddit
Reddit is a goldmine of intriguing car content, none more so than the subreddit dedicated to terrible modifications. Here are the worst offending cars!

I gave that lifted truck a lift kit

Uploaded by Redditor jayzeed_666
Car wrapping: you're doing it wrong!

Uploaded by Redditor ismash
This is what you get for living in Florida

Uploaded by Redditor sokkrokker
Introducing...the PT Camper

Uploaded by Redditor RKRagan
'It looks like a depressed Transformer'

Uploaded by Redditor EMPEROR (...)
So ugly even its mother couldn't love it

Uploaded by Redditor CarSnob
Ever wanted to sit under your own spoiler?

Uploaded by Redditor Deep_Fried_Twinkies
No car deserves this!

Uploaded by Redditor WilliamAU
Would you like some rice with that Mustang?

Uploaded by Redditor Rumo0fZamonia
Mobile zombie boxing arena?

Uploaded by Redditor swissarmypenis
This has gone too far!

Uploaded by Redditor victorkaxx
Spoiler alert...

Uploaded by Redditor shizzelez
The unfortunate Camaro

Uploaded by Redditor Dirt_Track_Racer
No, just no

Uploaded by Redditor Tyrannosaurus_wrx
This Tundra looks like it's got an STI

Uploaded by Redditor JerryCronus
10 for effort, 0 for execution

Uploaded by Redditor seriously_disturbed
The rarest of all BMW models!

Uploaded by Redditor OoooShinyThings
For more terrible car mods, head over to Reddit!
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