24% Of You Rate 'New' Top Gear's First Episode As 1/10

Top Gear got off to a shaky start at the weekend, and judging by two polls we ran, you guys didn't really take to the revamped version of the motoring show
24% Of You Rate 'New' Top Gear's First Episode As 1/10

When we posted our Top Gear live discussion on Sunday evening, we were taken aback by the scale of the response. So far the thread has clocked over 550 comments, and if you have a look through, there’s a bit of a theme: most of you guys don’t seem at all keen on the revamped show.

Wanting to quantify exactly how CTzens found the first episode of Top Gear with Chris Evans as host, we ran a couple of polls, both of which produced startling results. In the first we asked you to rate the episode out of 10, and an astonishing 24 per cent of you picked ‘1’. In fact, 75 per cent of the 11,000+ people polled gave the episode a score between 1 and 5.

24% Of You Rate 'New' Top Gear's First Episode As 1/10

In the second poll we wanted to know how many of you are planning on tuning in next week. Just 18 per cent of just under 5000 polled said ‘hell yes’, with 33 per cent selecting ‘nope’ and 49 per cent ‘currently undecided’.

The silver lining is we’re yet to see Chris Harris and Rory Reid - who both excelled during the online-only ‘Extra Gear’ segment - in the main show. If anyone can improve the show in the eyes of CTzens, it’s them.

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James W

Considering a big chunk of the demographic here automatically hated on the show without probably having even watched it, I call the results a tad biased.

05/31/2016 - 15:48 |
188 | 19
ThatCarGuy 1

In reply to by James W

No actually there was a lot of support for the show near the beggining

05/31/2016 - 15:53 |
4 | 4
Dzonny the e36 maniaq

In reply to by James W

Exactly, and we should remember it was first show for these guys, come on, at least give them a chance. (still, I have to say Evans was pretty much unwatchable in studio parts)

05/31/2016 - 15:54 |
82 | 4

I’m not so sure thats its true anymore considering the number of people who watched the show of which the figures came from Chris Evans Himself on twitter.

05/31/2016 - 16:12 |
0 | 0

It wasnt great … Leblanc duude, stood there like a brick, jokes werent good, Evans is always annoying, and was trying too hard. Challenges were quite boring, they tried to be funny and in some ways the same old top gear … but it just isnt it.

05/31/2016 - 19:23 |
12 | 4

It’s like going back and watching season 1 on top gear. It wasn’t exactly good… They started to get their stride after season 1 and 2.

We’ll just have to see if they can make us like them. And make the show interesting again.

06/01/2016 - 01:54 |
0 | 0

I don’t know about Top Gear, they barely made it out of second gear…

05/31/2016 - 15:48 |
29 | 3
e30 302

Yeah it sucked

05/31/2016 - 15:49 |
1 | 1

Just watched the first episode and it felt really forced, and the jokes were even at times cringey. I like Matt LeBlanc but the others are just cringey, especially that german woman in the vette. They really try to be clarkson and co. wayy to hard but it just isnt right.

05/31/2016 - 15:52 |
5 | 2

In reply to by KStang

You watched enough to know shes german, and not enough to know her name?

05/31/2016 - 16:11 |
12 | 2

In reply to by KStang

That “german girl” was on Top Gear with Clarkson, May and Hammond a few times and was hilarious and cool at the same time. She also presented German Top Gear and was known to be very funny.

You’re judging her on the 30 seconds of actual screen time in a crap segment next to a crap host shoved in to a crap show.

In reality, Evans would have seen her car once as it was accelerating away.

06/01/2016 - 00:02 |
4 | 1

Sorry, this is not an attack but how can you not know Sabine when she was on old Top Gear many, many times!!

06/01/2016 - 00:22 |
0 | 2

I only watched to the Nomad review and i would say that it could be worse.

Mr Evans really is ‘Mr Shouty’, but i liked Mr LeBlancs work alot.


05/31/2016 - 15:54 |
13 | 1

Not necessarily a dig at you but considering the main problem with the new show, was the volume of one of the presenters, i would call it a success

05/31/2016 - 16:09 |
4 | 1

Would be very interesting to see them edit in some Chris Harris into the main show, but considering it seems Chris Evans is in charge I doubt he will want to replace himself for the reviews

05/31/2016 - 15:55 |
2 | 1

I went into this with a open mind. I find it cringe worthy. Most of felt like a copy of the old too gear and if it was kind of original it just wasn’t all that good. I got thinking of this though. I feel like James, Jeremy, and Hammond would be doing roughly the same thing. The new cast just does not seem to mesh.

05/31/2016 - 16:14 |
1 | 0

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

I think you’re right mostly.
It was cringy, there were areas where they were harping a bit too much on the old show and at times there was a disconnect between the presenters.
But I can see it working. The script writing just needs to leave out the terrible puns, references to Clarkson and a little less Chris Evans. Eager to see if Chris Harris is going to be doing any car reviews and want to see what they do with Sabine coz she’s awesome.

05/31/2016 - 18:07 |
1 | 0
24% Of You Rate 'New' Top Gear's First Episode As 1/10
Zlatan Ibrahimovic

Watched the whole stuff. Needs more emphasis and I think Matt is the only reason which makes the show average. Otherwise it’s full on shi*

05/31/2016 - 16:20 |
2 | 0

Why didn’t they just put Chris evans in extra gear and chris harris and the main show

05/31/2016 - 16:26 |
27 | 0
Dan Dominé

I would rate it 80% if Evans didn’t try so hard to be someone he clearly is not…

05/31/2016 - 16:42 |
1 | 0

The script writers just need to let Evans be Evans, because forcing him to be Clarkson isn’t working - given he has over 30 years experience presenting he can and will be a good presenter.

06/02/2016 - 15:25 |
1 | 0