24% Of You Rate 'New' Top Gear's First Episode As 1/10

Top Gear got off to a shaky start at the weekend, and judging by two polls we ran, you guys didn't really take to the revamped version of the motoring show
24% Of You Rate 'New' Top Gear's First Episode As 1/10

When we posted our Top Gear live discussion on Sunday evening, we were taken aback by the scale of the response. So far the thread has clocked over 550 comments, and if you have a look through, there’s a bit of a theme: most of you guys don’t seem at all keen on the revamped show.

Wanting to quantify exactly how CTzens found the first episode of Top Gear with Chris Evans as host, we ran a couple of polls, both of which produced startling results. In the first we asked you to rate the episode out of 10, and an astonishing 24 per cent of you picked ‘1’. In fact, 75 per cent of the 11,000+ people polled gave the episode a score between 1 and 5.

24% Of You Rate 'New' Top Gear's First Episode As 1/10

In the second poll we wanted to know how many of you are planning on tuning in next week. Just 18 per cent of just under 5000 polled said ‘hell yes’, with 33 per cent selecting ‘nope’ and 49 per cent ‘currently undecided’.

The silver lining is we’re yet to see Chris Harris and Rory Reid - who both excelled during the online-only ‘Extra Gear’ segment - in the main show. If anyone can improve the show in the eyes of CTzens, it’s them.

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I thought it was fairly decent. Evans was trying and I respect that 7/10

06/02/2016 - 02:05 |
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24% Of You Rate 'New' Top Gear's First Episode As 1/10
Triple 777 Automotive

It will be interesting to see what Clarkson and friends do differently with The Grand Tour. I don’t think the new Top Gear is up to standard, but the guys will have to have some new ideas to bring people back if they follow their same old style.

06/02/2016 - 05:23 |
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Chris Evans was horrible. Matt lablanc was not bad at all, and id like to see him again. Love the new track but chris Evans was a bad fit. He just seemed fake

06/02/2016 - 16:23 |
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evans 1/10, LeBlanc 8/10 he did well

06/02/2016 - 20:32 |
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I actually think American Top Gear is better..
And i would rather poop myself than watch american top gear..

06/02/2016 - 20:55 |
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Only 1/10 as there were nothing lower and I had to vote

06/03/2016 - 02:06 |
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Alistair Jolly

i expect a lot of hate for this but i didnt mind it

06/03/2016 - 03:49 |
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I liked Matt and I think Sabine is cool.

06/03/2016 - 06:47 |
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Chris Evans is an idiot…FACT. First episode was worst ever….FACT. I would rather watch paint dry than look and listen to Chris Evans….FACT. These are the facts folks…

06/05/2016 - 13:21 |
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