4 Things We Hope Apple's Jony Ive Doesn't Redesign

It's the first iOS to be overseen by Sir Jony Ive, but the internet has already made a mockery out of his gradients and 'flat design'...


Sir Jonathan Ive has had a bit of an awesome run in the world of hardware tech. He's responsible for Apple's Industrial Design and is credited with creating the iMac, iPhone and iPad. Steve Jobs once said of Ive, "If I have a spiritual partner at Apple, it's Jony."

So when news broke that Sir Jony was to head up Apple's Human Interface team and thus help forge the path for the company's new operating system, iOS7, there was bound to be some heated reaction on launch day last week. And true to form, the internet took particular issue with the usage of gradients and 'flat design' in the design of most of Apple's new icons. As has become the norm, a new Tumblr page was created - Jony Ive Redesigns Things - to imagine a world designed by the legend himself. Here are some automotive signs we think he should never get his gradient-loving hands on.

Jony Ive redesigns BMW and Mini logo


Jony Ive redesigns motorway signage


Jony Ive redesigns his car


Jony Ive redesigns stop sign


Have we missed other funny iOS7 spoof images? Let us know in the comments.

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