5 Reasons Why Driverless Racing Will Be Exciting

Motorsport fans have been quick to dismiss driverless racing, but we reckon they're wrong to do so. Here are five reasons why race fans should get excited for Roborace
5 Reasons Why Driverless Racing Will Be Exciting

1. The Roborace car looks incredible

Image Source: FIA Formula E
Image Source: FIA Formula E

Roborace unveiled a first look at what its autonomous racing car will look like today, with the series itself kicking off at the end of the year. Roborace has called in sci-fi designer Daniel Simon, the man behind the ships in Oblivion and the Light Cycle in Tron: Legacy, to pen the concept of the driverless race car.

From what we’ve seen today, the results are incredible. Looking like a cross between a Hot Wheels car and a spider, the Roboracer is exactly what we think an exciting, futuristic racing car should look like. Since the cars don’t have to meet driver safety requirements like every other series, the bodywork can be a lot more compact and aggressive.

2. It could become the fastest race series ever

5 Reasons Why Driverless Racing Will Be Exciting

There are several reasons why modern race cars go as fast as they do. While there are restrictions such as bodywork regulations and safety requirements, there’s also the physical limitations of the driver as well.

Of course, fighter pilots have endured huge g-forces for decades, but drivers have to undergo massive g-forces over long periods of time. They might be able to handle it at the beginning of a race, but their pace could drop off dramatically towards the end if g-forces are consistently too high. Autonomous race cars don’t have to worry about human limitations like exhaustion, which could make the cars extremely fast over the full race distance.

Remote video URL

Autonomous motoring is still very much in its infancy right now and there’s already been numerous reports of driverless cars getting confused over road markings and directions, though Google’s self-driving car has only caused one crash itself so far.

One of the most exciting aspects of motorsport is when something goes wrong, because uncertainty is what makes us want to watch it. Driverless cars may be able to successfully navigate a circuit, but what happens when they go for an overtake? How would the cars know how to avoid a potential crash without starting another? There are so many factors that go into driving competitively and safely that we may see chaotic races in the sport’s infancy.

4.There's potential for spectators to join in

Image Source: Dino 246
Image Source: Dino 246

Sadly, we can’t all just jump into a Formula 1 car and win a Grand Prix. For one, you need a hell of a lot of experience before a Formula 1 team will even consider you. You’d also need to be incredibly fit to be able to push an F1 car to its limits.

Roborace could change this all together. While the cars are being developed to race against other cars, imagine if spectators could win the chance to control one from the pit wall, or could influence certain aspects of the racing like a less rubbish version of Formula E’s FanBoost.

A more extreme idea would be to attach weapons onto the cars and have the fans vote for which car gets what weapon. There’s nobody in the car, so there’s a bigger scope for crazy ideas. There’s no way Roborace would do this, but the future of demolition derbys could be wild!

Remote video URL

Ok, I know we all want to be the driver and wrestle our cars around a race track, but there’s also the driving we have to do to get to work, or take the kids to school. When you’re exhausted after a long week at work, sometimes you just want to sit back and enjoy the end of the day.

A driverless motorsport series would accelerate the development of autonomous technology as manufacturers try to gain an advantage over the competition. Motorsport has been used to advance technology at an accelerated rate since cars first became a thing, so don’t expect that to change just because there’s no longer a driver inside.

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It will accelerate autonomous technology? Sorry Cameron man but your on wrong website. Please recheck the url address. It should be anything but carthrottle.com…

03/31/2016 - 16:53 |
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Cameron Tait

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Hahahaha, fair enough, but we’ve spoken about autonomous tech loads of times! Sure we love manual gears, huge engines and watching drivers wrestle cars around the best circuits in the world, but we like to look to the future, too.

04/01/2016 - 17:03 |
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Neco Arc

I’m glad I’m not alone

03/31/2016 - 16:58 |
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There’s a lot of hate on this post but I welcome driverless racing. Driverless racing unlocks the full potential of a car. Very soon technology will be so good each lap will be perfect. The car will know the precise lines, the precise amount of speed entering corners, the best moment to pass. Something for a driver to strive for.

03/31/2016 - 16:58 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

But the driver wouldn’t be there… That would be literally the most boring thing in the world… If every single race was perfect, it would completely ruin the point of racing. It is like every time a team gets the ball they score… It would just be boring

03/31/2016 - 17:01 |
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Wouldn’t this completely defeat the purpose of racing…? I don’t want to watch some robots go around a loop… That would defeat the purpose of competition and would give nobody any reason to want a particular team to win… There would literally be no point in following racing… That is basically saying “hey let’s make machines that can kick soccer balls around and make them go against each other!” I am sure people wouldn’t want to watch that… What makes anyone think this is a good idea?

03/31/2016 - 16:58 |
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The human error still exist in the coding and car designing, and think about when different teams code their car to overtake at different positions etc. You could find that out from the article you commented on and didn’t completely understand.

03/31/2016 - 19:50 |
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Why is everyone so mad about this here? Driverless racing would be awesome!

03/31/2016 - 17:03 |
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Bruno Ban

In reply to by [Flux]

What would be awesome about it?- Nothing

03/31/2016 - 17:04 |
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Aaron 15


03/31/2016 - 17:06 |
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Are we this low now? “Banishing People, because they have an opinion? Do you want this to become Car Twitter?

03/31/2016 - 18:16 |
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Tim Dude

I’m quite exited to see how the racing works. It may be awesome like you said, or slow with no overtakes. Either way, racing has always been here to advance technology, You know, “Race on Sunday. Drive on Monday.” This type of racing will definitely create new technology, and I can’t wait to see what occurs.
Edit: Racing with a human drive should, and never will die. I would cry if motorsport became autonomous completely. But having a SUPPORT series, or its own, of autonomous racing would be fascinating as I stated above. So everyone calm down, racing is not dying because of this support race.

03/31/2016 - 17:07 |
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But hey “we need to glorify a driver!!!” “fck the team and designers, they do nothing.”
It p
sses me off people fail to realize that racing exists to only push the technological agenda. There is no driver error, but it would allow for creativity in design, it would be a motorsport where the only restriction would be total dimensions.

03/31/2016 - 17:51 |
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Kei Cars Are My Jam

Jesus christ you people worry me

03/31/2016 - 17:13 |
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H5SKB4RU (Returned to CT)

5 reason because i got paid to write this

I already play gran turismo in B-spec, i dont want to see it in rl.

1-lack of intense battles
2-progressive artificialization of the motorsport
3-no hard braking, lack of impredictable things, lack of crashes
4-what about the famous after race discussions between pilots?
5-easy to disable…

Do i keep on with the list?

This idea has to be buried inside the sun

03/31/2016 - 17:46 |
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Btw ty cartrotthle for censoring my insult free comment.

03/31/2016 - 17:46 |
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I demand the ability to report editorials

03/31/2016 - 17:50 |
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