6 Creature Comforts My Teenage Self Would Hate Me For Loving

When I first started driving I used to think that 99 per cent of options available in cars were pointless extravagances, but the more I use these gadgets and gizmos the more I've come to realise that they make driving so much more enjoyable
6 Creature Comforts My Teenage Self Would Hate Me For Loving

In-built sat nav

6 Creature Comforts My Teenage Self Would Hate Me For Loving

I’ll be honest: I’m starting with a double-edged opinion on this one. Honestly, manufacturer satellite navigation systems tend not to give as useful or traffic free routes as the free apps from Google and Waze, but they come with the added bonus of not having to plug a mobile phone to your windscreen.

I’ve just spent my first week with our new Abarth 595 long-term test car, and I’m finding the lack of a sat nav seriously annoying. I just moved house and so used all my phone data for the month trying to organise stuff without WiFi. That means if my girlfriend isn’t with me I’ve had to try navigate using actual signposts like something out of the old days. Sat nav systems that are neatly built into the dashboard are a tidy solution to my atrocious sense of direction.


6 Creature Comforts My Teenage Self Would Hate Me For Loving

I’m a firm believer that anything that makes it easier to distract you behind the wheel should be banned. All these new cars providing connectivity that basically let you use your phone without actually holding your phone aren’t really fixing the problem. That said, any car that doesn’t have excellent Bluetooth connectivity to allow me to play Spotify or whatever podcast I’ve just downloaded through its speakers is unacceptably rubbish. I hate the vast majority of radio stations due to cringeworthy DJs or repetitive playlists, so if I can’t play something through my phone my journey is irreparably ruined.

Electric seat adjustment

6 Creature Comforts My Teenage Self Would Hate Me For Loving

Yanking a lever beneath the seat so you can slide back and forth is nice and simple and works well enough, but it’s a little imprecise. Trying to move it a couple of inches takes a deft touch and serious concentration, and if you accidentally slide well out of position you’ll be back and forth for days trying to get it just right again.

I’m not the first CT staffer to sing the praises of electric seats, but I want to sing their praises once more. Electric seat adjustment is awesome, because it’s easy to make small adjustments to get your seat perfectly positioned. And best of all some come with a memory so you can let your partner drive your car without raging that everything’s been moved!

Quick defrost windscreens

6 Creature Comforts My Teenage Self Would Hate Me For Loving

There’s nothing less pleasurable than sitting in your icy car, waiting for the engine to warm up enough to clear the windscreen. Or perhaps you’ve been sat in your car for a while and the windows have steamed up, but you don’t want to smear the glass by wiping them clear. Fortunately, windscreens that defrost in seconds are now a thing, and are a massive life saver for impatient people like me.

Boot release buttons

6 Creature Comforts My Teenage Self Would Hate Me For Loving

No one likes getting their hands dirty closing the boot, so those nifty little buttons that open and close it for you are heaven sent. Such a simple solution to something most of us could probably actually live with, but let’s be honest, we’ve all cursed having nowhere to wipe our mucky digits after closing a filthy boot.

Auto-dimming rear-view mirror

6 Creature Comforts My Teenage Self Would Hate Me For Loving

I’ve never quite got on with the old school way of deflecting the headlights of cars travelling behind you by altering the angle of the mirror. I’ve always felt like it makes it hard to judge distance and distinguish cars from one another, so I’m always delighted to see a car mirror get a green tint as night falls instead. It reduces glare while still allowing you to make out what’s behind you. I can’t go back.

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Michael M

I have electric seats….that’s about it

03/29/2016 - 20:10 |
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Phil Rad

When I had my first car at age 14, a ‘96 Jeep Grand Cherokee, it had electric seat adjustments. All my friends were jealous till they found out only 2 of the 10 or so adjustments actually worked :)

03/29/2016 - 20:14 |
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Factory nav depends entirely on system.
Electric seats are especially nice if the car has more than one regular driver, does not miss it in my car, but the car at work, oh yes.
Boot release buttons are only useful on cars with automatic boot openings, and half of those are so slow they are a inconvenience, but keyless systems with sensors under the rear bumper etc are genius.

03/29/2016 - 20:16 |
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Lol my first car had 4 gears, no power windows or steering and a manual choke. I bet half the kids on here don’t even know what a manual choke is!

03/29/2016 - 20:23 |
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In reply to by Danez

My buddys first car (mk2 Fiesta) has a manual choke, it’s very different than the brand new Mini One I’m learning in. You can pretty much let off the clutch and the brake on an incline and it barely moves, so much tech in these new cars.

03/29/2016 - 22:13 |
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James Vallance

In reply to by Danez

Enlighten me please

03/30/2016 - 05:01 |
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In reply to by Danez

I always explained my friends that my car was carburated and needed a choke, like a lawnmower. At least untill people called my car a lawnmower. God damned, nobody can call my Renault lawnmower

03/30/2016 - 17:18 |
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Ian Gale

I’ve only owned one car with an auto-dimming mirror and it’s a feature I always miss. Same deal with bluetooth. I usually don’t like a lot of tech in cars but that’s one feature I really miss having. Electric seats are sort of take it or leave it for me though. I like having it, but I’ve never really missed it on cars I’ve owned that didn’t have it. Also I’ve had electric seats on a two door car and in that situation it was actually a pain to have power seats. It made getting passengers in the back a painfully slow process.

03/29/2016 - 20:28 |
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Extreme Daniel

I have the belief that Murphys law applies here: If it can go wrong, it will (not right away, but certainly sometime). So I will you present my points about your post:

  1. This is the point i agree with most: I’m old fashioned, but Maps are almost always required to be read by a passenger. Also you could blame the Sat-Nav if you get lost ^^
  2. You are exactly right. It distracts the driver. If you want your own music, you can make your own CD. As goes for the other things: There’s a time and pace for everything. But not for phones while driving.
  3. This is a terrible point to bring up on CarThrottle. A mechanical system weighs way less, won’t go wrong that fast and can be fixed easier.
  4. You’re right, it’s annoying, BUT: Alex is way ahead of you: The answer isn’t heavy electrics, but Miata. Always. Because softtop. In all honesty: You have a great point there.
  5. Only points: Heavy electrics and: Try that if your battery is almost empty.
  6. The only contra i could give is to have it at the wrong angle the whole time and not giving a damn, so, good point there.
03/29/2016 - 20:31 |
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Vanja the lone Citroen enthusiast

I agree on sat-nav, use aux instead of BT because it uses less battery, would like to have seats with memory, don’t have electric boot nor would want it, have heated windscreen and I like it and don’t really like autodimming mirror. But cruise control and USB is something I couldn’t live without.

03/29/2016 - 20:37 |
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Why the hell would you just turn on the engine and wait for the windscreen to defrost? Takes forever and it’s illegal (at least here in Germany).

03/29/2016 - 20:43 |
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My car has none of these xD

03/29/2016 - 20:47 |
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Martin B

cruise control for me… i always thought it’s just something for lazy people, but now that I have it in my car, i really enjoy the way it makes long journeys more relaxed. Adaptive CC would be even better.
And I would really like to have a heated steering wheel!

03/29/2016 - 21:00 |
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THIS^. Never apprieciated it until the road I commute on was covered with average speed cameras. Now its a life (and licence) saver.

03/29/2016 - 21:23 |
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adaptive cruise control is fantastic for slow moving traffic! Though it’s annoying in the VW system how hard it accelerates back up to the set speed when you indicate to change into the fast lane. “indicate to move car floors it car notices there was a car 200m in front of you that car slams on the breaks“ Its a great system, but not without its flaws.

I rented a volvo v40 with active lane keeping assist a few weeks ago, i didnt know it had it until it scared the bejezus out of me. I was going slightly over the line on a windy road, as i had good sightlines and was going ahem a bit faster. When suddenly the wheel jerked hard to the right. I thought I had a flat, or hit a rock or something. So I instinctively steered into it immediately - it did not like that, i did not like that, i turned the damn thing off for the rest of the trip.

Lane assist features really frustrate me. I mean, if you’re having trouble keeping your car in your lane, you plainly shouldn’t be allowed on the road. The very fact that they exist angers me.

03/31/2016 - 07:30 |
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