6 Reasons why owning a Toyota Supra SUCKS!!!

I was lucky enough to be able to live my dream of owning a Toyota supra at the age of 18, this was an amazing experience and I went onto having two Supras within the same year along with my girlfriend. They are a fantastic car and we live and breathe them but they do have their downsides.

6 Reasons why owning a Toyota Supra SUCKS!!!

I was lucky enough to be able to live my dream of owning a Toyota supra at the age of 18, this was an amazing experience and I went onto having two Supras within the same year along with my girlfriend. They are a fantastic car and we live and breathe them but they do have their downsides.

1. The Reputation & Attention


You’re not just buying a car when you buy one of the most talked about vehicles in the automotive world, you’re buying into a reputation and a lifestyle. Whenever you go for a drive in the car, you always get looks and stares; this attention is good and bad. Of course we all love to show off a little and turn heads, but this brings unwanted attention. You cannot leave your car in certain places due to fear of it being vandalized. Cops are also a side effect of Supra ownership, and every single police officer here in Australia will double check the vehicle to see if there are any defects present. I am on my Red Provision license in NSW, and have been pulled over 8 times in the course of 3 months, and not issued one speeding fine, only 2 defects which prove painful after a while…

2. They are slow…


A lot of people (and drivers) think that they own a really fast car when they see or drive a supra, and the attitude kind of follows this. The mindset of a lot of people is that they think they’re in the Fast & Furious when driving these cars but the truth is, unless it’s got a turbo and is highly modified, a new Toyota Camry has more hp and go than you have!

3. They are expensive


Saying this, Supras are reasonably priced to buy here, but living with one is a whole other story. Registration and insurance is extremely expensive on these cars, along with the other regular maintenance of keeping it running. Also most owners of Supras like to modify the vehicle, and doing so always brings police attention with defects which present a higher cost in fines/passing the defects etc. Speaking of which, modifications amount to being very expensive, as once you start, there is no stopping as the aftermarket business for the Toyota Supra is massive!

4. The owners


There are many great people you meet through owning a Toyota Supra by joining a local club etc, but saying that, there are many people out there that get a big head when behind the wheel of one. So many people think that they have a faster car than anyone else just because they own a Supra and always want to race you or talk smack about the car you may own.

5. The modification war


As explained in point 3, the aftermarket scene for the Toyota Supra is vast, which allows for any thinkable idea to become reality if you have the cash. This creates an issue where you start to modify your car, and there will always be that one person with more modifications than you; this leads to a never-ending tale of eating 2-minute noodles for dinner every night. Another factor is people tune their Supras to have such high hp these days that if you leave your car stock, it’ll be very slow.

6. They are overrated


Whenever you mention Supras, everyone’s minds rush to the Supra from Fast & Furious movies. If you don’t own a mkIV Supra, people won’t even recognise it. We need to remember that there was the mk1, 2 and 3 which were fantastic cars, and not everything is about the mkIV. In addition, many websites post photos of the Supra saying that they are the greatest cars in the world etc… But in truth, there are many more great and diverse vehicles also on the market today.

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Matthew Freestone

I might dissect the 6 points if you’ll indulge me:

It’s a fallacy to say they bring cop attention, poorly modded ones will. Other cops may pull you over just to appreciate your car as most HWP guys were car guys once in their life.
3L straight 6 is decent fast, even in NA form I still appreciate the pull they give. Not faster than a camry, not as fast as an aurion though. TT models leave the rest of the traffic trying to remember what was next to them at the lights.
Yep they are expensive to run and mod as friends have explained many times but the author makes it out as if thats due to defects, simply not the case, being an idiot is expensive and has many defects.
Author is assuming too much about the type of supra driver but in my experience there have been a few idiots who drive them lol.
Again, not a slow car lol but yes expensive to mod.
Them being overrated is a personal view point not a disadvantage, wow this guy needs to learn how to write an article.

12/04/2015 - 01:19 |
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They are such classic ricer cars

12/04/2015 - 02:59 |
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Pandymint McJagger

Nice read, man. Nice to hear someone dispelling some of the myths that surround the car. Speaking on point one, my RX-8 may not have the reputation of a Supra, but it still gets a lot of attention and people wanting to race her. It can be a real pain in the ass.

I won’t deny that Fast an the Furious started my interest and then love with JDM cars. My dream car, barring American muscle cars, is an R32 GT-R. But hell, the main reason I want one is just so I can have something different than what everyone else has around here. (And to keep miles of that rotary engine… At least a Skyline has a normal piston engine…)

Rambling aside, again, nice read from an owner of one of these modern unicorn cars. Hope you enjoy them for years to come.

12/04/2015 - 03:09 |
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Silly problems. Apart from insurance/maintenance they revolve around what other people think.

12/04/2015 - 03:45 |
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I don’t disagree with this artical but it’s really no different to owning a performance car that has a bit of nostalgia about it. Everyone saying owning a supra, skyline, Ferrari suck it’s just the comprise we car nuts make when we own a sports car.
I could write an article about who owning subaru WRX sucks but I see through all the annoying bits to enjoy the car I’ve dreamed of owning for the last 15 years of my life! And I’ll enjoy it until it’s time to move on and buy something better suited to my life.

Good read though man, hope you have less trouble with the cops and more fun with the beast

12/04/2015 - 04:02 |
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This is like the most retarted thing i saw on car throttle, why do people want so mich attention that they make these kind of post

12/04/2015 - 04:08 |
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Dylan Blackmar

I personally think this article is way off based about most of the points here, but I digress.

1- I agree the reputation precedes them, specifically regarding the MKIV TT. However, I don’t see that as a bad thing. It helps with resale value, and gives the car an “oh” factor when people see them.

2- I think the N/A supras are slow, sure. But you can’t be judging them based on that. That’s like saying mustangs are slow because the v6 automatic ones are. TT supras, especially ones with a single turbo swap, make some serious, serious power.

3- I agree they are expensive. Though in Japan where I live, not as big a problem as Australia or Us.

4- again, that might be an Australia thing. It’s kind of backwards to blame the car for a couple of bad owners. All cars have some bad apples amongst them.

5- Mods are not the cars fault. Each owner must choose how much or little to modify a car. This can apply to literally any car.

6- I agree that thinking they are the best car in the world is a bit biased, but they are fantastic cars none the less. They are capable of making extreme amounts of power for relatively small amounts of money, and they are often considered one of the more timeless looking cars from that era.

I say all these things as an owner of a ‘93 Supra RZ 6 speed. So I’m not some 12 year old fanboy.

Maybe I’ll have to write my own rebuttal article lol.

12/04/2015 - 04:13 |
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Please do. This guy is dumb.

12/04/2015 - 06:48 |
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P plate pleb. Dw i know the feeling. I got pulled over atleast once a week as a p plater. Now im on my blacks im enjoying a nice cold carlton dry on the way home from work sitting on 130 and ive passed 2 cops. #itgetsbetter

12/04/2015 - 04:29 |
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So buy a Toyota Camry instead.

And on that bombshell…..


12/04/2015 - 07:59 |
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