6 Things You Should Never Do When Pulled Over By The Police

Some people find it quite stressful when the blue lights flash in their rear-view mirror, so we've put together a comprehensive list of things to avoid doing if you don't want to get in even more trouble
6 Things You Should Never Do When Pulled Over By The Police

Don't run

6 Things You Should Never Do When Pulled Over By The Police

I know, it can be tempting to try your luck, but there really isn’t much in it for you. Chances are the cops already have your license plate number, so even if you do manage to slip through the net, you’ll just get a knock on your front door instead. That small fine for being a bit naughty just got ramped up to something a lot more serious.

Don't be rude or argumentative

6 Things You Should Never Do When Pulled Over By The Police

It always winds me up when I see people hating on the police, because in the real world, they play a vital role in keeping all of us safe. Unfortunately, just like us, they’re human, so that means they can have bad days. It also means that there are some idiots who wear police uniforms. Therefore you will no doubt encounter cops that’ll annoy you, but it’s important to remember that they’re typically the minority, and even if you disagree with why they’re pulling you over, they’re just doing their job. Imagine someone giving you grief in the workplace for doing something that you would get fired for not doing.

As petrolheads, we probably have to deal with cops more than the average person, and like most of you I’ve been pulled over numerous times. I’ve only had one bad encounter, and that was after getting pulled over outside a nightclub by an officer who was trying to breathalyse me - randomly, my driving wasn’t that bad, she assured me - while also trying to organise newbie officers rattled after breaking up a fight. She was stressed, she took it out on me, and I don’t blame all cops for that.

Just be polite, accept what they’re saying, and chances are you’ll be treated with respect in return. Go in with an aggressive attitude, and chances are they’ll give as good as they get.

Don't reach for something

6 Things You Should Never Do When Pulled Over By The Police

Depending how jumpy your country’s cops are, this may or may not apply to you - America, this probably applies to you. Simply put, it’s a really bad idea to reach for something without a police officer’s expressed permission, because they have no idea exactly what you’re reaching for.

You may know that you’d never hurt a fly, but if the officer found a weapon on their last traffic stop they might be understandably insistent that you eat dirt for diving into your glovebox.

Don't jump out of the car

6 Things You Should Never Do When Pulled Over By The Police

Again, depends how jumpy your local cops are, but this is a good rule to follow wherever you are. When you’re pulled over, don’t open the doors unless instructed to get out. People who are up to no good and have something to hide are more likely to get out the car and start running their mouth, so even if they don’t immediately throw you on the floor they’re more likely to go over your car in detail.

Don't park somewhere stupid

6 Things You Should Never Do When Pulled Over By The Police

We’ve all seen it happen. The cops light someone up and they panic, stopping in a terrible place. Whether it’s in the way of fast moving traffic, blocking an intersection or mounting a kerb, a sure-fire way to rile the cops up is to park somewhere you shouldn’t.

If you don’t think it’s safe to stop, acknowledge the cop by waving a hand (not a middle finger) or flashing your hazards so they know you know they’re there, and wait until you think it’s safe.

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And don’t laugh if an officer says miaow. You’ll get a ticket.

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Don’t get pulled in a big old van with about 20 people drunk in the back

03/30/2016 - 20:14 |
4 | 0

You should reset the PS2 to avoid being busted

03/30/2016 - 20:47 |
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Clayton. (Honda fanboy bwaaa(VTEC)AAAAAWWW)

Dont joke with them either. Thatll land you a stern talkin yo.

03/30/2016 - 21:11 |
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Actually it might work :P When me and my friends got pulled over riding our mopeds, I asked the police officer how fast their car goes. He replyed: About 200 KPH, then I said; well my car does about 230 KPH, do you think I can outrun you? he just laughed and saig that i might be able to do that :D then someone went like 150 on a 40 road and they just left us and went after him :P

03/30/2016 - 22:16 |
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“Miaow”? Come on, you guys. We know you can’t resist the urge, so give in. Give in to the urge. We know you want to. #BringBackCatThrottle

03/30/2016 - 21:48 |
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Absolutely love supertroopers!

03/30/2016 - 22:17 |
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Clayton. (Honda fanboy bwaaa(VTEC)AAAAAWWW)

See, a cop asked if I had any guns bombs rpgs or explosives so me.being the wise guy I am, says “yeah. I have a couple of bazookas in the trunK.”
Thennn that’s when the dog came.

03/30/2016 - 22:18 |
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I got asked if I had any weapons of mass destruction once. I laughed and for a split second in my mind I almost joked and said yeah I have a nuke in the trunk. I then realized it was a trap and immediately said no.

03/31/2016 - 17:00 |
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I got put over 7 times last year just for accused being suspicious. As a owner of a Chevy SUV and a Mustang GT, where I live (Southern Texas) is that those kind of vehicles are cop magnets. Besides that, when I was returning from college, I stopped by a red signal light on the middle lane. Then, 1 cop car by my left side and another cop car by my right. I felt screwed and amused. Fortunately, they left me alone. Cops makes me nervous sometimes.

03/30/2016 - 22:38 |
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Or just move to Germany, no need to be afraid of Cops here, all I ever met were really nice and kind and they won’t just randomly shoot your face off :)

03/30/2016 - 22:43 |
16 | 2
Adam Midderigh

Im kind of afraid of being asked to pull over as my passenger window doesnt work, so if they were alongside me while stopped it would look like I was refusing to co-operate. However I do always carry my MOT , certificate of insurance and drivers license all in the car with me for any trips, that way I’ve always got physical evidence of everything I need to be legally driving.

03/30/2016 - 23:02 |
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Chris watkins

1.) Be black.

03/30/2016 - 23:30 |
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