6 Ways To Transform Your Garage On A Budget

You've all seen those incredible garages online, where people have pretty much created a second home in which to put their cars. Most of us will never get to do that, but there are ways to improve your garage without throwing all of your savings at it
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Okay, so this won’t necessarily transform your garage, but it might transform the way you get in and out of your car. If you care about your paintwork, you’ll probably already squeeze your way out of the door (maybe even the window) to ensure you don’t chip the paint by banging said door against the wall, so why not make your life easier? Stick an off-cut of thick carpet to the wall, allowing you to exit your car without fear of doing any damage. There are even foam pads available if you want a slightly less ghetto look, as seen in the video above.

It’s also a clever trick for when you’re about to sell the car. When someone arrives, get the car out of the garage and let them see your little setup; if they see how much care you take of small chips in the paint, it says a lot about how you probably treated the rest of the car.

2. Paint the floor and walls

6 Ways To Transform Your Garage On A Budget

It doesn’t cost a huge amount to do this, but it will make your garage feel bigger and more professional. Slap a few pots of white paint on the walls and some durable grey floor paint on the ground and you’ll be amazed what a big difference it makes. It’ll make late-night wrenching sessions much more bearable.

3. Organise your stuff

6 Ways To Transform Your Garage On A Budget

It might seem like a daunting task, but the easiest way to improve your garage experience is to just tidy up your stuff. You can start without spending a penny. Simply taking all of your stuff out and placing it on the driveway, then returning it piece by piece to assemble some order (and remove anything that’s just clutter) will make the place look much more inviting.

If you want to get all fancy, you can install some shelving and cabinets. Channel that Ikea mentality of taking your storage solutions vertical, and you’ll suddenly discover you have so much space for activities!

4. Install decent lighting

6 Ways To Transform Your Garage On A Budget

Again, this can be as expensive or as cheap as you want it to be. Giving yourself a nice, bright place to work will enhance your experience massively. Most people work under dingy, yellow lighting, but installing bright white bulbs and a couple of extra light sources will make it easier to see what you’re working on, find tools, and stave off stress.

To go for the professional look, get yourself some LED lights. They’ll initially be more expensive, but if you’re the kind of person who stays up into the early hours every night working on your project, they’ll start to pay for themselves surprisingly quickly thanks to the reduced power requirements.

5. Set up electrical outlets near where you work

6 Ways To Transform Your Garage On A Budget

For the electrical whizzes out there, this should be relatively easy. Instead of running extension cords from the house and tripping over them every five minutes, get a few outlets placed on either side of the garage. There are few things I hate more than seeing wires all over the place, so anything that reduces those unsightly coils is good by me!

6. Get a heater and a fan

If you've got a mega budget, underfloor heating is a winner!
If you've got a mega budget, underfloor heating is a winner!

Garages get cold in winter and hot in summer, so have something for every occasion. The fan would obviously keep you cooler if it’s hot, but also has the added bonus of keeping the air flowing around you. You can kick up a lot of dust, funky smells and undesirable particles that can sit in your lungs while working, so it’s nice not to have those lingering any longer than necessary!

If you’ve got a bit of extra cash, making sure you’ve got a proper extractor fan and/or air purifier might seem like overkill, but your body will thank you further down the line.

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Last point would be : install a bed and live there for the rest of your life.

01/14/2016 - 21:39 |
3 | 0

Anyone willing to help? lol

01/14/2016 - 21:47 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

01/14/2016 - 21:47 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

01/14/2016 - 21:48 |
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7: place a mad racecar in it

01/14/2016 - 21:51 |
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Getting a car out of the garage is a pain but hey….The lifts were free

01/14/2016 - 22:06 |
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In reply to by Darg

Awesome garage man! I really wish I could get a lift..

With a bit of organizing that place could be a proper dream garage! Get some shelves and peg boards, and use the extra space for a couch etc. Would an amazing place to hang out!

01/15/2016 - 08:35 |
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Delightful Citizen (Classic Truck Squad)

I’m very lucky to have a dad that lets me use his garage (and owns a shop)!

01/14/2016 - 23:08 |
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If only I had a garage…

01/14/2016 - 23:24 |
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Casey Sjoberg

Instead of carpet you can also use yoga mats…

01/15/2016 - 01:29 |
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Mihir Shah

Step 1. Get a house.
Step 2. Get a car.

01/15/2016 - 08:25 |
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Want a nice cheap flooring? Stick cardboard down! Makes lying on the floor a bit more comfortabe and also if it starts to wear out or you spill anything like oil then it’s easy to clean up. Just throw that piece away and put another new piece down

01/15/2016 - 16:18 |
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Callum Luke Norris

7) get car to work on
8) get a garage
9) air compresser
10) prius destroying devices

01/15/2016 - 17:59 |
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isn’t number 10 and number 11 the same?

01/18/2016 - 16:06 |
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