8 Small Tweaks That Could Do F1 A Load Of Good

F1 isn’t in the greatest health and there are talks of 'big changes' being needed, but some small modifications to the rules could be really good for the sport - let the nit-picking commence!
8 Small Tweaks That Could Do F1 A Load Of Good

1. No more stub noses

Image source: Ferrari
Image source: Ferrari

Sure, the nose designs are what they are due to the beneficial impact they have on aerodynamics, but the cars just look damn odd with them! The stubs are not quite as bad as 2014, but still…

2. Cutting ticket prices

Image source: Williams
Image source: Williams

In the grand scheme of things, trimming down the ticket prices at the majority of race events is actually quite a small change and one that would definitely impact the fans and the turn-out.

3. Front tyre width increase

Image source: Pirelli
Image source: Pirelli

In general the tyres are set to increase in width in 2017, which is good. Overall cars are limited by the front tyres, especially at corner entry. Increasing the width would mean higher grip levels, quicker speeds and better braking, which could boost overtaking.

4. Social media interactivity

8 Small Tweaks That Could Do F1 A Load Of Good

F1 has made big leaps forward on the social media front over the last few years but there is still SO much to do. The sport doesn’t really seem to get what a great promotional tool it can be. Creating an official Facebook page would be a start, while broadening the range of content offered on its YouTube channel - not to mention enabling videos to be viewed from other websites, as is possible with pretty much every other motorsport channel - would also help to spread the word.

5. Bigger race numbers

8 Small Tweaks That Could Do F1 A Load Of Good

It might just be me and my poor eyesight but the race numbers are far too small on the cars. They need to be big, bold and with individual designs (which is the case for some). It is tough to spot the numbers from trackside and is also tricky while viewing on television too. It is a tiny detail but one that would have a positive impact.

6. Free helmet design

8 Small Tweaks That Could Do F1 A Load Of Good

Yes, bring back the freedom to change-up helmet designs mid-season. For 2015 a new rule was put in place meaning drivers couldn’t drastically change helmet liveries, cutting off the chance to use special one-off designs. Some of these really were awesome and it would be great to have that creative freedom back.

7. Fancy camera angles

8 Small Tweaks That Could Do F1 A Load Of Good

F1 doesn’t have enough fancy camera angles. There is a lot of scope in this area and the sport has only just dipped its toes in the water. 180-degree cameras and visor cameras have all been tried out but fail to make regular appearances. And what about 360-degree views? Shaking things up and giving far more variety make viewing the action on TV much more exciting and engaging.

8. Upping fuel limits

8 Small Tweaks That Could Do F1 A Load Of Good

But, F1 has been going for a greener image recently, right? Well, yes. But do the engines really need to be quite so economical? Even upping the fuel and fuel flow limits by a small degree would allow for quicker cars, faster lap times, drivers pushing more and (maybe) slight noise changes too.

What small things would you bring in to help improve F1? Share your suggestions below!

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The S80 Rallyist
  1. Bring back the excitement.


02/28/2016 - 19:46 |
30 | 2

#ripcrashtor at least we still have our beloved Crashjean

02/28/2016 - 20:20 |
3 | 0

Nice I like the list and I agree with all except one I don’t think the look of the nose matters its more about functionality and aero

02/28/2016 - 19:48 |
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CZ 69% Muscle

9.Discard all the horse poop elimination-style qualifying and whatever other gimmicks they come up with in desperation

02/28/2016 - 19:53 |
2 | 0

1 shot qualyfing. If you dont get it right, you start last. THAT is what I call unpredictibility

02/28/2016 - 20:29 |
7 | 0
Samniss Arandeen

The public execution of every environmentalist currently ruining F1 would be my minor tweak. Just line them up, gun them all down, and leave a mass grave of slaughtered eco-nuts to rot just inside Monaco’s Casino Square.

02/28/2016 - 19:54 |
125 | 9

relax Jihadi John

02/28/2016 - 20:22 |
68 | 1

Sounds good to me

02/28/2016 - 20:41 |
1 | 1

Calm down bro … dayumn … my soultion would be : backing into their houses with a diesel truck and doing a burnout and rolling coal till they get covered and then just drive off.

02/28/2016 - 21:07 |
26 | 0

Clarkson is that you?

02/28/2016 - 21:34 |
14 | 0

Maybe include the people in the epa in that execution as well?

02/28/2016 - 21:39 |
2 | 1
Sam Newey

An extra 3000rpm wouldn’t hurt either…

02/28/2016 - 20:00 |
8 | 1

Thank you! That would fix the dull noise, no need for V12.

02/28/2016 - 21:45 |
1 | 2

I miss the good old 20.000rpm BMW V10 -_-

02/29/2016 - 12:16 |
2 | 0

It is allowed, but it is not efficient and that is why teams aren’t using it…

02/29/2016 - 15:52 |
0 | 0

I dont get why we cant have group B style circuit racing. Just: Heres your circuit, get round it as fast as possible.

I mean YES it would cut out some smaller automotive producers with fewer resources but hey thats life!

02/28/2016 - 20:10 |
5 | 0

It exists and it’s called time attack.

02/28/2016 - 21:05 |
3 | 0

It could also spark innovation in the field. I mean since when is racing not about getting around the fastest possible? At this point it’s getting around the greenest possible, while also trying to be .1mph faster than the competition.

Isn’t there a video somewhere that showed that modern F1 lap times are a couple seconds slower than from ones in the 80s or 90s?

Sure we’re more economical now but come on we should be as fast or getting faster. Not slower.

02/29/2016 - 00:21 |
1 | 0

I have watched that gif in #8 for 20 minutes now.
What am I doing in with my life?
More importantly, why am I not in F1?

02/28/2016 - 20:12 |
8 | 0

In reply to by Rishav

Same thing with #7 :)

02/28/2016 - 21:30 |
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Bernat Sempere

Correct me if I’m wrong. Several years ago the easiest way to tell which driver it was, was to know the scuderia and the color of the overhead camera (1 color for main driver and another for 2nd driver, same combination for all teams). It’s still this way?

02/28/2016 - 20:21 |
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Yeah but the more the better, especially for those at the track

02/28/2016 - 20:31 |
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I remember that shot of the Williams overtaking. Was so badass….

02/28/2016 - 20:23 |
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Jack Leslie

In reply to by Danno

That’s why we need more of those kind of shots!

02/28/2016 - 20:39 |
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slevo beavo

They should have larger wheels with lower profile tyres, the benefits of this are huge in terms of grip.

02/28/2016 - 20:24 |
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not in this case I’m afraid. as the sidewall of the tyre acts as an extension to the suspension

02/28/2016 - 21:09 |
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