8 Things We Know So Far About The Next Need For Speed Game

Earlier this week EA and Ghost Games confirmed the next title in the Need for Speed franchise will be released later in 2017, so we thought we’d round up all the details we know about so far
8 Things We Know So Far About The Next Need For Speed Game

Despite announcing in a recent blog post that a new Need for Speed game is hitting our consoles this year, EA and Ghost Games have largely been keeping things quiet. However, after picking apart the announcement and related materials while adding in a dash of speculation and some rumours, here’s what we’ve been able to glean thus far:

1. It’s coming this year

8 Things We Know So Far About The Next Need For Speed Game

The main point of the announcement was to confirm that the next instalment of the Need for Speed series will arrive by the end of 2017. Much more in the way of official information will be revealed at EA Play in June. So, there’s not long to wait…

2. Offline play

8 Things We Know So Far About The Next Need For Speed Game

The two most recent NFS titles, 2013’s Rivals and 2015’s Need for Speed reboot, were always-online. You had to have an internet connection to play and that meant there wasn’t the chance to pause, in case you needed to quickly pop away from the screen or grab some snacks.

This was a major drawback and sparked criticism from players, but the next game will include some kind of offline mode. EA and Ghost Games say you’ll be able to “play through a single player experience” of some kind – a bit vague, but good news nonetheless.

That doesn’t give much away and hints that it could be separate from the main online mode, but some form of offline feature or gameplay will be a welcome addition to NFS following on from the frustrations of past games.

3. Customisation a key focus

8 Things We Know So Far About The Next Need For Speed Game

One of the most important and enjoyable aspects of Need for Speed is car customisation and the recent announcement stated it “will play as strong a role as ever” in the next game and beyond. So, that’s definitely a cool thing to hear so early in the process. How much of a focus and the scope it will include, we don’t know. But hopefully we’ll find out more at EA Play.

4. Wider open world

8 Things We Know So Far About The Next Need For Speed Game

The last two NFS titles were open world but this side of the franchise has always been lacking compared to rival racing series such as Forza Horizon. But, Ghost Games is promising a more beautiful and larger open world for this game. We’re excited to see just what this includes and how it compares to other games - we’d imagine it’s a big step compared to past NFS games if they are hyping it up already.

5. Racing in daylight

8 Things We Know So Far About The Next Need For Speed Game

The Need for Speed reboot only featured night-time racing, which some felt was a little frustrating. It’s a minor detail, sure, but surely, it’d be better to have a mix of night and day, just like in real life? Well, a return to daylight racing is hinted in the teaser photo used in the NFS announcement.

6. Dirt driving?

8 Things We Know So Far About The Next Need For Speed Game

Another interesting little snippet from the new NFS game confirmation is the mention of racing on “tarmac, and dirt, to your heart’s content”. This indicates some dirt road and off-road racing and driving is coming to the game, something that NFS hasn’t really focused on much. The fact they’re mentioning it in an announcement suggests some off-road elements and cars may be coming to the game.

7. Police chases

8 Things We Know So Far About The Next Need For Speed Game

Cops will return to NFS for the next game, so you can get caught up in high-speed police chases and fine-tune your escaping skills. It definitely sounds like the new NFS release will be more well-rounded compared to previous games and have a lot more going on.

8. Name rumours

8 Things We Know So Far About The Next Need For Speed Game

The last NFS title was simply named Need for Speed, as it was a reboot, but it’s rumoured that the new title that’s just been announced could be called Need for Speed: Arena. This was trademarked by EA last year.

Are you hyped for the new Need for Speed game? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

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Dirt Racing and Daylight Racing are the 2 things that may make me consider ….. oh…. please do proper wheel support for once in an arcady racer (Forza Horizon 3… I am looking at you!)

05/14/2017 - 10:25 |
4 | 2

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Horizon 3 isnt that bad with a wheel (on PC anyways I couldn’t comment on console)

05/14/2017 - 11:23 |
0 | 0

Still waiting for Underground 3…

05/14/2017 - 10:25 |
402 | 8

They should only make U3 when they are back on that level of gameplay again. The previous game wouldn’t have deserved that title, so I’m curious to see if the next one does. They did take steps in the right direction with NFS 2015, so I’m hoping for a positive surprise by the end of the year

05/14/2017 - 11:04 |
132 | 0

It’s only a name.

05/14/2017 - 11:44 |
32 | 14

It will never happen. Want UG? Play the older one.

Inb4 downvoted to hell

05/14/2017 - 15:41 |
56 | 2

i think i’m the only one who feels this way but i thought NFS 2015 was a fitting sequel to NFSU2. Customization was good, graphics were fantastic, LA was a cool backdrop, physics were a bit odd but it worked well enough. i had a lot more fun playing that than forza 6 (or FH3 to be honest)

05/14/2017 - 18:29 |
12 | 8

Same! I have great memories playing that game and yelling “too soon Junior” when hitting the naws

05/15/2017 - 14:06 |
0 | 0

You forgot NFS No Limits for the paragraph below the pic

05/14/2017 - 10:29 |
0 | 4

Well let’s be honest. The main problem with the latest reboot was over-hype. People were expecting so much that even being a good game, it didn’t live up to the expectations. I didn’t play it, but the trailers and gameplay videos looked real good, and yet many people say it was rubbish.

Over-hype people, over-hype…

05/14/2017 - 10:43 |
24 | 4
lowie t

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Maybe the physics had something to do with it.

05/14/2017 - 11:23 |
24 | 0
Dave 12

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

It looked great but if you played it you’d know the failure was in the handling. If it had got that even remotely correct it would have lived up to the hype for nfs fans. Personally I’d rather fire up something made last decade than play 2015.

05/15/2017 - 17:32 |
2 | 0

Judging by how the last game was I wouldn’t touch this new one with a 10-foot long flagpole, unless EA and Ghost actually make it worth waiting for this time.

05/14/2017 - 10:46 |
14 | 0

1.It’s coming this year
You don’t say?

05/14/2017 - 10:59 |
72 | 2
Anton 3

If they mean by customisation that you can put more decals and stickers on the car, than I would like to remind them, what customisation was back then (Underground + Underground 2).
Just like they announced that it would play a major role in NFS 2015. I was more than disappointed.

05/14/2017 - 11:22 |
0 | 0

Customization in Underground 2 sucks. Not only were most parts ugly but every car had the same parts and performance mods don’t make much difference in handling of car.

05/14/2017 - 15:21 |
0 | 0
lowie t

Just some normal physics would be a good start.

05/14/2017 - 11:24 |
182 | 2

It’s not like they can’t do it, 2015 felt like a joke

05/14/2017 - 11:36 |
18 | 0
Dzonny the e36 maniaq

In reply to by lowie t

Just copy from Underground 2 and they are good to go :D

05/14/2017 - 12:56 |
56 | 0
Griffin Mackenzie

In reply to by lowie t

Yes no more Mario kart physics

05/14/2017 - 15:01 |
36 | 0

Community manager confirmed on reddit that they have worked on the physics and handling.

I guess we’ll find out how it handles soon enough, since the game will be playable at EA Play this June.

05/14/2017 - 21:51 |
6 | 0

In reply to by lowie t

True, I played NFS III lately and it has better physics than NFS 2015 ;p

05/15/2017 - 07:17 |
2 | 0
Sniff Petrol
  1. It’ll have cars in it
05/14/2017 - 11:50 |
60 | 6

What do u mean with that lol

05/14/2017 - 12:19 |
10 | 4
Evan H.

I’d like to see EA remaster Underground 2. Just imagine how sick it would be.

05/14/2017 - 11:56 |
4 | 0

It wouldn’t be that cool since the game didn’t age too well.

05/14/2017 - 15:17 |
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