8 Ways To Not Be An Idiot When Racing In Open Lobbies

Open lobbies on racing games are occasionally (OK, who are we kidding, more like always) full of idiotic players and sometimes the good racers see red too. Here’s how to steer clear of being an online troll..
8 Ways To Not Be An Idiot When Racing In Open Lobbies

There are a lot of online racing game trolls out there, who just want to make you throw your controller (or wheel and pedal set-up) at the TV. Sure, even experienced players can muck up or do something silly on occasion too. But there are some easy ways to clean up your act when racing online…

No spinning out

8 Ways To Not Be An Idiot When Racing In Open Lobbies

It may be tempting to spin a rival out in a braking zone or while battling side-by-side. But, to be honest, half the time you will end up in a worse position than the player you were trying to hit. It’s also incredibly annoying, so just stick to racing and see how well you can do.

Don’t push it

8 Ways To Not Be An Idiot When Racing In Open Lobbies

We’ve all been there, right? Pushed into the wall or off track by another player. It’s one of the worst things a gamer can do in an online lobby. The players at fault need to clean up their racing, resulting in a much more enjoyable time for everyone.

Never seek revenge

8 Ways To Not Be An Idiot When Racing In Open Lobbies

You may get hit in a braking zone or clipped into a half spin on a corner exit. That doesn’t mean it was done on purpose. More often than not, the gaming troll within will come out and seek revenge by smashing their rival off or spinning them around. It’s silly – get on with the racing and let your pace (or lack of it) do the talking.

Stop the corner cuts

8 Ways To Not Be An Idiot When Racing In Open Lobbies

This is a small but annoying thing to do while racing online, especially for those trying to do things properly. The hope is the game will penalise a corner cutter but in reality, that’s often not the case.

Road block

8 Ways To Not Be An Idiot When Racing In Open Lobbies

Thankfully, some racing games now ghost cars that are blocking the circuit but some of them don’t have that luxury. It’s always irritating when someone parks up across half the circuit, whether it’s on purpose or just because they’ve given up. If the player can’t handle the racing, they need to leave the game.

Drive the right way

8 Ways To Not Be An Idiot When Racing In Open Lobbies

A racing circuit is in a certain configuration for a reason and everyone else is doing it right. So, why do some racing gamers have to ruin things by getting bored and driving the wrong way? It’s irritating for those of us who have worked hard for that position or race lead.

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Being 10 car lengths behind your nearest rival is definitely too far back to try an overtake. But, as many of us know, some gamers still give it a go anyway – even if it’s never going to work. Just be realistic, it takes time to complete an overtake and it’s so much more satisfying when you get it right.

A long race

8 Ways To Not Be An Idiot When Racing In Open Lobbies

This is one of the most well-used phrases in motorsport and there’s a reason for that – it’s very true. Sure, online lobbies are mainly short races, but there’s still a lot more time to make up positions. It doesn’t all come down to the first corner. Don’t make some divebomb passing attempt as it’ll just end in tears.

Got any more suggestions for the racing game trolls? Let us know below!

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Forza gamers be like

Realism?? Nah.
(••) ( ••)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■)

04/01/2017 - 11:25 |
131 | 4

In reply to by PN K

yeah, forza isnt realistic

04/01/2017 - 11:29 |
6 | 2

In reply to by PN K

  1. Dont Drive Like FailRace
04/01/2017 - 12:16 |
39 | 4
Tyler Strakal

In reply to by PN K

Who needs realism in Forza

04/01/2017 - 12:59 |
5 | 1

In reply to by PN K

Roblox 4Life

04/01/2017 - 21:25 |
5 | 1

All of the above is a failure of the typical public lobby driver.

04/01/2017 - 11:26 |
5 | 1


04/01/2017 - 11:33 |
3 | 2

How does that even happen

04/01/2017 - 11:40 |
3 | 1

Wow, you didn’t have a good day, almost as bad as your Plymouth Fury rally car

04/01/2017 - 13:39 |
0 | 0

dont stop in the middle of the track to take a photo and then cause a mass pile up

04/01/2017 - 11:41 |
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Where can I find that full video of that Indy car (I’m assuning) crash?

04/01/2017 - 11:53 |
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Doesn’t look like IndyCar, more…1995-after F1.

04/01/2017 - 15:00 |
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The road block one? It’s Macau F3 1995

04/01/2017 - 15:26 |
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Fillmore (sleeperpooper)
  1. Using your opponent as an emergency brake
04/01/2017 - 11:55 |
45 | 0

I get that offline on FH3

04/01/2017 - 13:37 |
1 | 0

What? That is the best way to brake in video games.

04/01/2017 - 15:03 |
6 | 0

I let my demons take over me yesterday and used a guy to brake before a corner. Later I realized what I had just done and, in shame, I stopped before the finish and let him pass.

Hope he’s not too mad :D

04/01/2017 - 15:41 |
4 | 0
Bryan from Philly

Best way to avoid all this: don’t play online, like me! :D

-Says people who wish they can play multiplayer but can’t 😭

04/01/2017 - 12:25 |
11 | 0

*says people that cracked the game

04/01/2017 - 14:54 |
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CT needs more articles about video game lobbies.

04/01/2017 - 12:30 |
2 | 2
  1. Stop tailgating Opponents when you’re close to the corners…..I know we all did this to make sure we can catch the rival up or to do delay braking but disaster happens when you forgot to unstick your bumper of the opponent’s especially if you’re a rookie
04/01/2017 - 13:00 |
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But it’s a video game so accidents don’t really matter.

04/01/2017 - 16:14 |
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The problem is people aren’t really race drivers so their braking points will vary dramatically. Even with the line guide. The best thing to do if you’re mid pack into the first corner is definitely this but don’t expect everyone else to do it and watch out for cars behind you more than those in front.

04/02/2017 - 15:06 |
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RodriguezRacer456 (Aventador SV) (Lambo Squad)

Campers: Those who hide in the blind spot of a corner to ram into other racers for their own twisted entertainment

04/01/2017 - 13:09 |
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