9 Cars That Look Weirdly Awesome With Six Wheels
When you were young, it's likely you drew all sorts of bonkers cars with many wheels. This week, we're allowing ourselves to be childish once more by imagining what a bunch of different cars might look like with an extra axle...
0 Cars That Look Weirdly Awesome With Six Wheels
I reckon the F-Type would look great.
A six wheeled mustang… so you can run over people with a extra set of wheels, just to make sure they’re dead!
F40 looked good
The yeti looked so goddamm boss
This is making me want a 6-wheeled car. It just screams “TRACTION”.
I kinda like the Skoda and the Aventador, but the rest are just plain stupid.
Cars that just look crap instead of weirdly awesome
That model X looks awesome imo (I kinda am a Tesla hater but fell in love)
is not photoshop :)