9 Stupid Things People Do On The Road Every Day

Drivers, cyclists, bikers and pedestrians do incredibly stupid things on our roads. Avoiding the obvious 'using the phone' and 'tailgating' stuff, here's what else goes down...

How many times have you driven towards a car and thought ‘ah, it’s fine, he’ll move out of the way’. Inevitably, you both had the same thought, because you’re now having a mini stand off while swearing at the other guy from the comfort of your car. Then, after a few seconds, good sense kicks in and you’ll reverse to let the other guy through. You give each other evils when he passes and call each other a ****.

Sometimes, though, good sense gets left in whatever evil lair it was you emerged from, because no matter how many cars there are behind you, the other person will refuse to move even if he/she has nobody behind them.

2. Bikers who split lanes stupidly

9 Stupid Things People Do On The Road Every Day

For obvious reasons, bikers/mopedists who ride between lanes dangerously, or 20mph+ faster than traffic, are plain stupid. The riders who tend to do this are usually the ones who are wearing a T-shirt and shorts. One false move and their bodies will grind down faster than this foot pedal!

3. Cyclists who don't give way to pedestrians

9 Stupid Things People Do On The Road Every Day

If you live in London, then you’ll know EXACTLY what I’m talking about here. You’ve finished work and are walking to the tube station. You approach a Zebra crossing (where cars/cyclists/bikers are obliged to stop to give way), and you look to your right before stepping out.

Suddenly, a herd of cyclists riding at 100mph approach in the distance, and instead of slowing down to let you walk across the road, they put their heads down, dig their heels in and increase their speed to 150mph. Sometimes, they’ll clip or full on wipe you out because they’re so desperate not to slow momentum.

Cylists are also immune to traffic lights, apparently.

4. Pedestrians who don't look for cyclists

9 Stupid Things People Do On The Road Every Day

While cyclists are sometimes stupid because of their desperation to keep going without slowing, pedestrians are also stupid for not bothering to look up and down a road when crossing between traffic. Every day, I see people who are too busy texting and walking to look left and right. Remember, people: bicycles don’t have engines, so relying only on your ears to alert you to a potential broken sternum is not sufficient!

5. Listening to stupidly loud music with the windows down

9 Stupid Things People Do On The Road Every Day

Okay, we’ve all been that guy before, but when the shoe’s on the other foot and you’re simply chilling with your windows down in traffic, there’s nothing more annoying than someone who pulls up alongside with their windows down and music all the way up. What’s annoying about it is that his or her music ruins whatever track it was you were listening to and makes you put your windows up in protest.

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This is the one thing that makes me most mad when I see it. And see it often. People who throw rubbish out of their windows while driving should have 10x the amount of rubbish thrown back in.

The vigilante biker in the video above (one of my favourite YouTube videos of all time), should be given an O.B.E.

7. Cheap, aftermarket headlights that blind others

9 Stupid Things People Do On The Road Every Day

We’ve covered this ground before, but some people just don’t get the message. Changing to HIDs isn’t a simple matter of swapping out the bulbs on your lifted truck, you know. You also need to consider the correct projector housing that effectively cuts light off to keep it controlled.

8. Not saying thanks when you've been let through

9 Stupid Things People Do On The Road Every Day

A simple wave, a nod, a smile, even a raise of a ring finger from the steering wheel are all ways of saying thanks when somebody has given way to let you through. Why some drivers think that it’s their God-given right to own the road is beyond me because it’s a stupid assumption. Unless you’re driving a BMW, of course.

9. Practicing left-foot braking in traffic

9 Stupid Things People Do On The Road Every Day

If you’ve never practiced left-foot braking before, then do not start trying it while bored in traffic. Your foot is not ready for such a delicate push, especially if you drive a manual!

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