9 Weird Car Habits We Just Can’t Shake

1. Once is never enough - me

This idiosyncrasy - the one that inspired this list - is one I reckon most of us are guilty of. Sure, I’ve pressed the lock button, I’ve heard the satisfying ‘clack’ of the locks engaging, and have seen the indicators flash, but I still need to hit the key fob a few more times just to make sure. Oh, and even though I’ve started walking away, and locked it five times, I’ll still need to go back and pull the handle at least once. Maybe twice…
2. Volume OCD - Deep Impact Blue

My stereo volume HAS to be on an even number or else I can’t stop thinking about it until I fix it.
3. Window licker - mmatej

When I pull windows down, they must be perfectly lined-up.
4. Fiddlesticks - Darren Cassey

I’m constantly fiddling with the gear stick. When I’m in traffic I have to check it’s in neutral multiple times before lifting my foot off the clutch. If I’m waiting to pull away and the car’s in first, I’ll often take it out of first and put it back in a few times while I’m waiting. I just seem to have gained this weird paranoia about what gear I’m in…
5. The stressful way to use cruise control - Ian Rhodes

When I use cruise control, the speedo HAS to be set at a multiple of 5. It bugs the crap outta me if it’s not exactly on 65 or 70. I’ll work WAY too hard to get the needle exactly on the line.
6. I don't like climate change - Alex Beeken

Even though I have dual zone climate control, both temperatures on each side of the car MUST be exactly the same. If I change my side I must change the other too.
7. Reverse Psychology - Angel

Putting my arm around the passenger seat when reversing, even if I’m just using the mirrors.
8. If you can't stand the heat... - Fat Beckham

I’ll not lie, it means my feet are boiling hot, 95 per cent of the time…but I like symmetry.
9. Beards and a manual gearbox: a manly combination - Taylor Felts

Shift, stroke beard, back to arm rest. Shift, stroke beard, back to arm rest. Every single time. Can’t help it.
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