This Audi R8 Driver Probably Needed Fresh Underwear After This Nurburgring Slide

While the R8's Quattro all-wheel system does give amazing grip in the wet, there is still a limit to what it can do in soaking conditions like these...
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We’ve been lucky enough to spend quite a bit of time with Audi’s new R8 this year, and while we’ve been impressed with the ridiculous amounts of grip on offer whatever the conditions, there is a limit to what you can get away with in the wet. Particularly if you’re driving on a sopping wet Nordschleife like this guy.

Fortunately, after a slide and a violent snap he’s still just about on the tarmac, avoiding what would have been one of the most expensive touristenfahrten crashes we’ve seen this year. As for the state of his underpants, we can only speculate…

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Pauli Gehr

The uploader (roughly translated) replied to a comment complementing the driver, saying that:
Unfortunately he couldn’t finish the lap, as he crashed later on.


10/04/2016 - 13:29 |
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Indeed, he was saying that he did not finish the lap because only a bit before the end of the lap he crashed the car.
I think ESP was sick and tired of working on his lap and said, ok, you are all alone now :)))

10/04/2016 - 19:21 |
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Fastlane Blocker

driving Nordschleife in heavy rain seems like the most sophisticated way to commit suicide =).
honestly I respect every driver driving there with his car. On the rain it takes even more balls to just lap the circle. But that was not quattro that was ESP as break lights went on. And well he crashed in one of the latest corners, because aquaplaning, when tire is swimming nothing can save the car.

10/04/2016 - 13:49 |
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My reaction to pretty much every Nurburgring close shave.

10/04/2016 - 14:03 |
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AWD can help get you OUT of trouble, but it won’t do much to stop you from getting INTO trouble…

10/04/2016 - 14:11 |
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Reminds me of that time the LM safety car did a drift on purpose, same silver R8 too

10/04/2016 - 14:13 |
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Austin 3

That’s why you don’t mess with wet rings.

10/04/2016 - 14:13 |
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With today’s technology you probably don’t even need brown pants, I’d like to see him save that with a Quattro from ‘86

10/04/2016 - 14:39 |
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This driver should not be on a track - especially a wet track. Check how he slides around and is mashing the breaks. This traction control saved this guy - the only reason he was able to pull out of this is because he left the electronic controls on. If the driver of this car doesn’t spend some money on lessons he’s going to end up spending quite a lot of money on a new car and hospital bills once he finds the TC/ESP disable button.

If anybody is thinking about going on a track I seriously recommend you take at least one lesson. If you panic and smash the breaks like this with TC/ESP disabled you’re going to be lucky if you don’t find yourself spinning into a wall. Sustained hard braking at speed doesn’t stop the car it destabilizes it and usually induces a spin. However, if you’re on a circuit and have TC/ESP on the car will try to correct itself when the wheels start to loose grip and will try to straighten itself out - which is almost exactly what you don’t want when you’re in the middle of a sharp turn.

10/04/2016 - 16:06 |
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I’ll bet he had whatever version of Stability Management on. The ESP in my S4 has saved my ass plenty of times.

10/04/2016 - 16:07 |
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With how he’s mashing the breaks but the car is still straightening out there is absolutely no doubt in my mind he had ESP enabled. Had it been disabled that hard breaking would have shot the car into a huge spin.

10/04/2016 - 16:09 |
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Tighe Vrbancic

Why would he go on the Nürburgring in the rain?

10/04/2016 - 16:10 |
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