Audi USA Trolls Mercedes In Its New Commercial
Audi USA's new commercial is a 'shots fired' video directed at Mercedes to highlight the four-ringed brand's advances in onboard technology. The question is: which car looks better on this guy's driveway?
They can say what they want, Mercedes has a better lineup at the moment. This comes from a BMW person by the way, so I prefer sportiness.
Its true audi is always beaten by cadillac, mercedes, and BMW
I can’t tell the difference, why are all the headlights the same
I prefer the SLK 55 AMG Roadster over any audi personally.
Intelligence is the new…What? Why? If something brakes in the “intelligence” the whole car will probably stop working with a pop up on the gps screen that says “Oops! Something went wrong…Go buy a new car!”
i would have the merc anyday.
Don’t really like the rims, but i’ll admit the A4 (body wise) looks better than the Merc
honestly, i dont see how this is working to sell cars, i would probably go with the audi over the merc BEFORE watching this. now i want neither :p
I’m curious, why would you get the A4 instead of the Merc C klasse?
Yeah but this is like motorsport
because you cant say “Thats close but that wasnt quite carlin” When somone crashes …
Mercedes should make ads about the tailgaters Audi.
yea… BUT THEY STILL ARE FWD… the a6 ist horrible to drive ists way to heavy and powerfull with the 3l diesel
Gave you a plus one, idk why fanboys are hating on you. If I had that kind of money, I would get a merc or bmw simply because they are RWD instead of FWD or if it is a quattro, AWD