Bike Vs Car Road Rage Incident Results In Massive Crash

What appears to be an altercation between a biker and a driver in Santa Clarita, California quickly escalates

This shocking footage was shot in the early hours of Thursday in Santa Clarita, California, but it doesn’t show the whole incident. Chris Traber - who shot the video - told ABC News that the whole thing started when the silver saloon (possibly a Toyota Camry) swerved from the carpool lane to the fast lane, almost hitting the biker in the process. The biker kicked the car’s passenger-side door in retaliation, at which point Traber thought it’d be a good idea to start filming.

The biker soon moved to the driver’s side of the car, kicking once more, at which point the saloon driver swerved into the bike, losing control in the process. He hit the central reservation, bounced off and slammed into a pickup truck, flipping it over.

The pickup driver was left with “moderate” injuries and was taken to hospital. The saloon driver escaped without being hit with a citation, California Highway Patrol said, but the incident is currently under investigation. The police are looking for the rider, who did not stop after the crash.

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Chucking my hat into the ring as a biker. If someone cut me up badly on my bike, believe me, I would be beyond p&%$$ed off.

I’ve had far to many close calls with other motorists and had one crash as a result of someone not looking properly (I walked away, bike was written off). However, venting it while moving at motorway speeds is completely the wrong way to do it. You either wait until it’s safe to confront, and do so in a calm way, or you just let it slide.

Kicking someone’s door, no matter how satisfying, is only asking for trouble. The biker is equally at fault in this case. He should not have reacted in such a bad way. And he is also very lucky to be alive. He could have easily hit the ground and it doesn’t look like he’s wearing much in the way of protection.

06/23/2017 - 10:46 |
21 | 2
Dave 12

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

As an ex biker though I understand you have to accept that some people just don’t see you. Even in a car sometime people look but don’t see. Best bet is to treat other motorists as if they have leprosy imo.

06/25/2017 - 15:44 |
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Vincent Lin

Looks more like a Nissan Sentra

06/23/2017 - 11:18 |
11 | 0

They both need anger management, but the car driver could have easily killed the biker with a shunt like that - or even smaller - and could have killed the occupants of the ute.

06/23/2017 - 11:29 |
4 | 1

That’s a pick-up not a ute, utes are cool

06/23/2017 - 16:48 |
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That guy on bike is a jerk, he probably just killed someone and just rides away.

06/23/2017 - 11:39 |
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he is a “biker”

06/23/2017 - 14:15 |
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They tried to kill him. They coukd have killed hik by accident. This is why he kicked them in the first olace. If some mf nearly killed me, I’d be pissed. But I would not stoo for them if they tried to kill me intentionally and crashed. They have plenty of others around them, that can sort them out.

06/27/2017 - 08:44 |
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Eli Moody

To me it seems that the car is the first wrong-do-er, from what it looks like in the video the car crosses over into the HOV lane and I’m assuming the biker may have been lanesplitting, then cut him off(it’s very common for bikers to split between the HOV lane and the lane to the right because of the room). Then, the biker took it too far and kicked, but then it also seems that the car tried to ram the bike and missed, causing thus crash.

06/23/2017 - 11:58 |
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Hope biker get kill

06/23/2017 - 12:01 |
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Anton 3

I thought these kind of things only happen in Russia.

06/23/2017 - 12:07 |
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06/23/2017 - 14:36 |
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Josh A.

That is an early 2000s Nissan Sentra

06/23/2017 - 14:35 |
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Just chuck norris having a road rage incident

06/23/2017 - 14:43 |
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06/23/2017 - 14:43 |
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I guess if I got cut off by a car, id be pretty pissed, but I wouldnt kick the car to piss the driver off aswell. Might’ve given him the finger though.

06/23/2017 - 15:28 |
2 | 0

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