The Biker Who Rode For His Life Has Just Uploaded This Shocking 'How It Started' Video

Last night, we brought you shocking scenes of a biker who had to ride for his life. How it all started remained unclear, but now we can see that the driver was at fault!
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Yesterday, we showed you shocking footage of a biker who had to ride for his life after a bald-headed car driver was quite clearly intent on running him off the road and doing him some damage. This being the internet, people assumed that the biker must have done something to provoke the man (just take a look at the YouTube comments), but it turns out that the car driver was simply a short-tempered douchebag who was having a seriously bad day.

As you can see in the video, the biker pulls in front of the car at a set of traffic lights (this is legal in many areas, but not all). Clearly not happy with the biker’s decision to do so, the driver pulls away from the lights hard, giving little room to the man on two wheels. The biker then races off down the road (at well over 100mph), and when the pair meet again at the next intersection, that’s where the aggression really kicks off. The man on the bike gives the driver the finger, the driver vomits some bad words and then, which is the real turning point, the biker smacks the guy’s mirror. That’s where things turn nasty and is the result of the shocking footage you watched last night:

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So in conclusion: The driver is the main party at fault, but the biker did himself no favours in hitting the man’s car. Sometimes (actually always), it’s better to avoid confrontation and simply ride to the nearest cop shop. After all, this biker had all the footage he needed to ensure that the driver got what he deserved. What do you guys make of these events in light of this newly-released footage?

Thanks to CTzen Lucas Thezolin for the info and video footage (the biker is his mechanic).

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Milan Golasiewicz

Claims to be inexperienced, decides to go and drive in between vehicles to get to the traffic light first. I am not sure if it is legal or illegal, but here in Florida that is not normal behavior for bikers to do that, in Europe yes but not here in South Florida. Basically a motorcycle is treated and gets its own lane and space as if it was a vehicle. Also at 1:40 the biker sees the approaching Fusion and lets off the gas and basically turns in to the left lane cutting the Fusion off. You would think inexperienced people would be a little scared of doing something like that knowing that he can slam right into you, at 100 mph. Im just trying to state a point, that the motorcycle guy basically provoked the driver into going crazy. Some people just take road rage to a whole new level, and this situation could have been avoided had the motorcycle guy behaved like a normal motorcycle rider.

04/08/2016 - 03:27 |
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Sorry, but both of them are assholes… in France (I know that in USA, you are a little bit… “weird” :-D ).
NB: In this 3 minutes footage, both of them lose the drive licence in France.

04/08/2016 - 20:34 |
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Hold up. Are we actually going to walk past a Challenger without appreciating it? Nah son.

04/09/2016 - 17:04 |
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Both of this guys were lucky… Let me explain: In my country, every other day you heard of people shooting in the traffic because of road rage. Also, no one likes bikers because 90% of them are people that doesn’t know the slightest about road laws and drive like idiots and many of them turn out to be thiefs robbing between traffic lights.

04/09/2016 - 23:24 |
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So it obviously wasnt illegal because of the cop that ignored his lansplit so what was that morons problem? Cant take getting passed?

04/10/2016 - 00:16 |
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The bald guy may have started it, but the biker escalated it. Also, the biker drove like complete mad man, in oncoming traffic.

04/10/2016 - 01:56 |
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HA! “Riding for his life” more like biker is a douche that needs riding lessons. I always see watch out for bikers stickers. Maybe if bikers like this guy would obey the laws of the road and wait the F* in line then they wouldn’t have people getting pissed at them. Not saying the guy in the car was right with what he did, definitely took it wayyyyyy too far. But doing that ST pisses people off.

Just sayin, if bikers don’t want to have accidents then you should obey the laws of the road instead of cutting in line and doing 100+ mph on the highway. Good way of getting yourself killed quick because the average driver isn’t going to expect you to come down the highway that fast or blow past your door side waiting in line.

I ride a nice bike and have my licence to ride, I obey the laws, I don’t ever have trouble like this.

04/10/2016 - 06:08 |
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I think that the fault is shared 50-50 between the driver and the rider. The driver is indeed a douchebag that cut-off the rider at the first light and then chasing the rider like an idiot (including the light that he run-off blocking the intersection. But the rider lowered himself to the same level by cutting the driver off in the first place, pulling the finger in the second place and hitting the mirror in the third place.

04/10/2016 - 06:45 |
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if he had just let the driver pass after he initially overtook him at the 1st set of traffic lights, he could have avoided the whole episode.

04/10/2016 - 07:30 |
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The fact that a cop drove passed at the intersection in question means it looks like the bike was definitely in the right to start off with. The hitting of the wing mirror was understandable in the heat of the moment, and I would probably have done the same in all honesty. Yes, this escalated a bit too far if we’re gong to be perfectly honest here, and could have been avoided. But people make bad decisions under pressure, and those bad decisions can lead to consequences where what happens in the second video occurs.

Basically, sht happens. Move the fck on.

04/11/2016 - 04:13 |
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