The Biker Who Rode For His Life Has Just Uploaded This Shocking 'How It Started' Video

Last night, we brought you shocking scenes of a biker who had to ride for his life. How it all started remained unclear, but now we can see that the driver was at fault!
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Yesterday, we showed you shocking footage of a biker who had to ride for his life after a bald-headed car driver was quite clearly intent on running him off the road and doing him some damage. This being the internet, people assumed that the biker must have done something to provoke the man (just take a look at the YouTube comments), but it turns out that the car driver was simply a short-tempered douchebag who was having a seriously bad day.

As you can see in the video, the biker pulls in front of the car at a set of traffic lights (this is legal in many areas, but not all). Clearly not happy with the biker’s decision to do so, the driver pulls away from the lights hard, giving little room to the man on two wheels. The biker then races off down the road (at well over 100mph), and when the pair meet again at the next intersection, that’s where the aggression really kicks off. The man on the bike gives the driver the finger, the driver vomits some bad words and then, which is the real turning point, the biker smacks the guy’s mirror. That’s where things turn nasty and is the result of the shocking footage you watched last night:

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So in conclusion: The driver is the main party at fault, but the biker did himself no favours in hitting the man’s car. Sometimes (actually always), it’s better to avoid confrontation and simply ride to the nearest cop shop. After all, this biker had all the footage he needed to ensure that the driver got what he deserved. What do you guys make of these events in light of this newly-released footage?

Thanks to CTzen Lucas Thezolin for the info and video footage (the biker is his mechanic).

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Ignoring is always best

04/06/2016 - 12:24 |
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Samuel Rivard

He’s pretty aggressive, for a buddhist.

04/06/2016 - 12:29 |
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And this is why I’m afraid to ride a motorcycle :D

04/06/2016 - 12:30 |
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I would say neither party comes out of this looking great. Yes, the car driver was a bit of an idiot for blasting past the bike at the lights but if you watch the build up video from about 1 minute in, you see that it’s the bike who steers towards the car, rather than the car trying to ram the bike. The car driver performed a proper d—k move though when he blocked the whole road but the biker giving him the finger and then hitting the car at 1:50ish mark is just as big a dk move. The driver definitely takes it too far in the second video though and wins the “D—k of the Clip” award

04/06/2016 - 12:37 |
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If that was me, i’d just gunned it towards the nearest PD and tried to bait the guy into following me all the way there, all explanation that would be needed to the police would be: Look at the tape.

04/06/2016 - 12:44 |
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The biker admitted that he has no proper experience yet on his bike, also his brake discs were warped (watch the original vid and you can see the movement of the handles when he brakes) so that probably resulted him to not haul ass, and that goddamn wind noise is killing me

04/06/2016 - 12:49 |
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Both are idiots.

04/06/2016 - 12:51 |
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I totally disagree on Car Throttle taking sides here… to MOST of us it is a thing of common sense. There is no “in between” lane between lanes. The guy in the red car was first at the light and had the right of way. Even if splitting lanes is legal it is just plain stupid to cut in line. If the bike rider does not want that to happen any more, he should RESPECT other people on the road and wait for his turn, period. I guess he learned his lesson after all.

04/06/2016 - 12:56 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

I assure you, he did not learn his lesson. Spend 1 hour riding bikes in traffic and you will also split lanes, I GUARANTEE it. Why? It’s the most logical thing to do, it’s one of the most obvious perks of riding a motorcycle and car drivers have no idea how idiotic it is for them to hate it, especially since 90% of the time bikes are a lot faster off the line than cars. Let go of your ego for one second and tell me how a bike that passses 5 cars at a redlight and leaves before the drivers even put their feet on accelerators is a bad thing. I cut you off at a cashier line, you loose time, I cut in front of you at a red light and leave before you react, you loose nothing. ZERO inconvenience, only ego problems.

04/06/2016 - 13:10 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

You win “The Most Ignorant Comment of 2016” award! Congratulations.

04/06/2016 - 14:31 |
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Arnou Verfaillie

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Most common reason i lanesplit at the lights is to not get rear ended. If i’m behind a car and the car behind me does not see me, i’m screwed. I’d rather wait up front and be safe

04/06/2016 - 15:22 |
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craig 3

The guy on the bike was driving like an ass.
But the guy in the red car was worse.

04/06/2016 - 12:58 |
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I would’ve never even let him get the opportunity to do that. At the light where he came out, I would’ve squared him up and it would be done at that. Dude almost killed him three times over.

04/06/2016 - 12:58 |
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