The Biker Who Rode For His Life Has Just Uploaded This Shocking 'How It Started' Video

Last night, we brought you shocking scenes of a biker who had to ride for his life. How it all started remained unclear, but now we can see that the driver was at fault!
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Yesterday, we showed you shocking footage of a biker who had to ride for his life after a bald-headed car driver was quite clearly intent on running him off the road and doing him some damage. This being the internet, people assumed that the biker must have done something to provoke the man (just take a look at the YouTube comments), but it turns out that the car driver was simply a short-tempered douchebag who was having a seriously bad day.

As you can see in the video, the biker pulls in front of the car at a set of traffic lights (this is legal in many areas, but not all). Clearly not happy with the biker’s decision to do so, the driver pulls away from the lights hard, giving little room to the man on two wheels. The biker then races off down the road (at well over 100mph), and when the pair meet again at the next intersection, that’s where the aggression really kicks off. The man on the bike gives the driver the finger, the driver vomits some bad words and then, which is the real turning point, the biker smacks the guy’s mirror. That’s where things turn nasty and is the result of the shocking footage you watched last night:

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So in conclusion: The driver is the main party at fault, but the biker did himself no favours in hitting the man’s car. Sometimes (actually always), it’s better to avoid confrontation and simply ride to the nearest cop shop. After all, this biker had all the footage he needed to ensure that the driver got what he deserved. What do you guys make of these events in light of this newly-released footage?

Thanks to CTzen Lucas Thezolin for the info and video footage (the biker is his mechanic).

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Amer Amirul

for me, is the biker fault because,

  1. just because the car passes you inches from you doesn’t mean you have smack the side mirror
    of the car

  2. well of course the car will chase the biker back because random biker just smack the side mirror, if i was the red car i will chase back

  3. can the biker just ask at the driver of the car passing you inches from you but NOO you must middle finger at the driver first then do stupid rev just because you want to scare the driver

  4. then why you smack again on the side mirror just because the car passing you inches from you

  5. then try to run away

im a biker too, almost every day i ride my motorcycle to school (last year) and if i see this type of driver, i just let the driver go because the driver didnt care about he/she life at all

04/06/2016 - 14:46 |
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But the car chased him down with the way he was driving the car there’s two charges that could have been brought up on them attempted murder or assault with a deadly weapon now granted the bikers a moron to when you get alleys in noob rider hasn’t been doing it long because anybody with a little bit more experience on her hands would have been able to dump that clutch and get the hell away

04/06/2016 - 15:56 |
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And the whole thing could have been averted had the biker not hit the cars mirror.

04/06/2016 - 14:50 |
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I’m glad no one got hurt, biker should tone it down , the car driver should have his ass kicked

04/06/2016 - 15:40 |
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Yeah, I’m gonna go with “they’re both idiots”.

Whereas lane splitting is legal in most parts of the world, I understand that it isn’t in Florida, so straight off of the bat the biker was in the wrong. To then have a temper tantrum because the car pulled away faster and to try to move in to the cars lane ( the biker moved towards the car, not the other way around ) was definitely not the right thing to do.

Don’t get me wrong, following that, the car didn’t have to block two lanes of traffic to yell at the biker, but at the same time, the biker made a completely d* move by giving him the finger, rev bombing at him, and then whacking his wingmirror.

I’m sorry but both parties are completely at fault here, and if the footage does get handed to the police I can’t see either one of them getting away lightly. Reckless use of speed, aggression and endangering other vehicles.

Doesn’t look good for either side.

04/06/2016 - 15:40 |
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I feel like the biker screwed up from the very beginning by cutting his way in front of everyone. I’m sure someone’s going to comment that that’s legal in certain states, but I think it’s a stupid law regardless. And this is coming from someone who enjoys riding myself. I would never lane-split, not only is it dangerous, but just asking for trouble from meat heads like this guy.

04/06/2016 - 15:44 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

I personally feel that the dangers of getting rear ended are greater than the dangers of road rage. By slowly pulling up to the front of the line, I’m able to put myself in a position where I most likely won’t be hit directly from behind, which often times is a fatal accident among motorcycles. Whether or not the “meathead” in the car besides me likes it or not doesn’t matter to me if I’m legally in the right. It would have been easy for this biker to prevent further escalation of the situation, but he didn’t choose that course. However, this should, in no way, reflect the biking community as a whole.

But I’m just talking from my own views, which you might not share, and that’s fine. I just wanted to show you my perspective in hopes that it spur some thought in you about the safety of controlled lane splitting. Since you ride yourself, I want you to be safe out there!

04/06/2016 - 17:29 |
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Is he driving a bike or an aeroplane?

04/06/2016 - 15:48 |
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Why did the biker hit his mirror in the 1s place?

04/06/2016 - 15:57 |
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In reply to by Minka

Didn’t like the fact that this guy beat him to the light and forced him out of the lane.

04/06/2016 - 17:17 |
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all this started because the biker just had to funnel up in front of the cars, instead of just waiting his turn like every other person on the road. but because i have a small bike i get to go first.

04/06/2016 - 16:01 |
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Patrick McClammy

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

funneling to the front has nothing to do with “i have a small bike i get to go first” the purpose of this is safety, quite frequently distracted drivers that arn’t paying attention rear end vehicles stopped at a light, if the motorcycles were to be pancaked between the 2 vehicles, he would most likely die, my brother and i are both avid riders, and about 3 weeks ago my brother was almost killed by someone not stopping at a light, fortunately he realized the driver wasn’t going to stop and quickly jumped down the line. but it was too close, far too close. (he had not funneled to the front because it is illegal in our state)

04/06/2016 - 16:28 |
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Well, that cop was a minute too early

04/06/2016 - 16:03 |
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Worst way to drive away from someone :p He just keeps going straight on the same road instead of driving into one of the 100 streets he’s passed…

04/06/2016 - 16:19 |
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