The Biker Who Rode For His Life Has Just Uploaded This Shocking 'How It Started' Video

Last night, we brought you shocking scenes of a biker who had to ride for his life. How it all started remained unclear, but now we can see that the driver was at fault!
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Yesterday, we showed you shocking footage of a biker who had to ride for his life after a bald-headed car driver was quite clearly intent on running him off the road and doing him some damage. This being the internet, people assumed that the biker must have done something to provoke the man (just take a look at the YouTube comments), but it turns out that the car driver was simply a short-tempered douchebag who was having a seriously bad day.

As you can see in the video, the biker pulls in front of the car at a set of traffic lights (this is legal in many areas, but not all). Clearly not happy with the biker’s decision to do so, the driver pulls away from the lights hard, giving little room to the man on two wheels. The biker then races off down the road (at well over 100mph), and when the pair meet again at the next intersection, that’s where the aggression really kicks off. The man on the bike gives the driver the finger, the driver vomits some bad words and then, which is the real turning point, the biker smacks the guy’s mirror. That’s where things turn nasty and is the result of the shocking footage you watched last night:

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So in conclusion: The driver is the main party at fault, but the biker did himself no favours in hitting the man’s car. Sometimes (actually always), it’s better to avoid confrontation and simply ride to the nearest cop shop. After all, this biker had all the footage he needed to ensure that the driver got what he deserved. What do you guys make of these events in light of this newly-released footage?

Thanks to CTzen Lucas Thezolin for the info and video footage (the biker is his mechanic).

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Thumbs up to the biker for not completely losing his mind. I would have stopped on the side of the road, and beat the living daylights out of that bald douche. But then again, that wont solve anything. Some people can be real assholes.

04/06/2016 - 17:58 |
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Erik Roman

I rest my case. Bikers are damf and deserve to crash. Damn, I would have rammed him for sure. Before I was like, waaah? But now I’m rooting for the red car to run his dumb ass over. If my mirror ever got smacked like that by a biker, I’d like them to say farewell to their bike.

04/06/2016 - 18:05 |
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So you think road rage has to be ended with road rage? Very mature…
I don’t agree with the biker, but wanting him to crash and potentially die is way too harsh.

04/06/2016 - 18:32 |
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So many chances for the biker to just snatch his phone, or atleast knocking it off his hand.

04/06/2016 - 18:09 |
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Lmao he also did some anime shet when he realized that charger wasnt an undercover that could help 0:15. Also this looks alot like Florida… not sure

04/06/2016 - 18:12 |
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Jizzle Joel

Well, both parties are at fault for being dumb and having road rage.
I can see why the fusion guy did what he did, but I do not agree with it. The biker lane split in a state that does not allow lane splitting. If I see the plates correctly this is Florida and it is not allowed.
He also started crap when he knowingly does not know how to ride. There is no way that the Fusion should have kept up with the R6. He also has what looks to be front rotor problems as the front end shakes so bad when he applies pressure to the brakes.
Who’s at fault? Both of them! Do I feel like the Fusion was trying to hit the biker, no, I do not believe so. I see him trying to stop him has he just broke his mirror.
The biker shouldn’t have flexed his muscles when he knew he couldn’t lift anything. The driver of the Fusion should have just called the cops and let it be.
Both parties are in the wrong. This should be a video on how NOT to be a biker.

04/06/2016 - 18:17 |
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Jelle Dik

As a fellow biker (note a drive 50k per year or 31k miles per year)
I would say he made al the faults as a biker.
Firstly it wasn’t necessary to get in front since there were only 2 cars.
Secondly if you do get in front the first rule is to don’t hinder the cars behind you, aka get your ass out of their as fast as possible which he clearly didn’t do.
Thirdly picking a fight with a car is always a no no. you could see he was inexperienced driver, he almost lost control from his bike when he wanted to hit the rear view mirror.

I don’t even get how he can drive with warped disc, that’s just dumb. I mean you brake with 90% front brakes and his are faulty

Note: I’m not saying the action from the car driver was justified, only stating all the faults that the biker had done. I’m not going to include all the problems just the major ones

04/06/2016 - 18:30 |
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Hless 1


04/06/2016 - 18:51 |
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see a cop car before it starts, then dont see one the rest of the video.. (never around when you need them). when the driver sped off the rider should have shook his head and ignored him.. instead he got mad and opened the throttle. the driver is a right yob and should not be allowed anywhere near a car, but the rider did not really lend himself any favors by retaliating. i know its different in the situation as your judgment is clouded by the rush of adrenaline. at least the rider wasnt hurt is all i can say. all it would have taken is a nudge from the car and it would have been a whole lot worse. keep us updated i want to know what happens to the driver. want to know if they give him suitable punishment.

04/06/2016 - 19:33 |
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I´m not a fan of violence but at the second the guy tries to run you over there are only 2 options: call the cops or hit him hard because he is ACTUALLY threatening your life and in that situation you are allowed to defend yourself.

04/06/2016 - 19:42 |
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fred renault

idk much concerning what you can and cannot do with a motorcycle, but pulling up infront of a car at the red light like he did at the beginning feels abit douchy to me, is that even right to do?

04/06/2016 - 19:47 |
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That’s actually a preferred thing to do if splitting lanes is legal where this guy is. It’s so the biker doesn’t get crushed between cars if the guy behind them doesn’t hit their breaks in time.

04/06/2016 - 20:17 |
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