This BMW E36 Driver's Nurburgring Save Is As Impressive As It Is Terrifying
A violent tank slapper for this E36 3-series Touring soon leads to a high-speed spin, but fortunately, the driver manages to keep away from the Armco
The above video is another one of these Nurburgring fail compilations, but as pointed out by Blackflag, the part you really want to be paying attention to starts at the 54sec mark. Give it a watch, and you’ll be spending the rest of the day trying to unclench your buttcheeks…
Too much need for speed yo!
When German Takumi spins out on his morning run:
<iframe frameborder="0" width="480" height="270" src="//…; allowfullscreen></iframe>
Keep the amazing E36 Tourings alive!
This would be an awesome drift if he didn’t stop after the 360. Just sayin’
Top 10 drifts of the week hosted by The_SlapTrain
He must be like: “I got it, I got it, erm, I don’t got it!”
He must’ve said what Jeremy said in this scene on the last episode of Top Gear..
Many poo’s shot out of his ani!!
This one doesn’t deserve Maldonado’s Seal of Approval
although he did get very close to getting one
Hey, thats a pretty cool, original meme you’ve got there!
Wasn’t as sketchy as that blue turd cutting in front of the Ferrari 458 at the 3:25 mark
CT already posted about this