The 1969 Fiat Abarth Pininfarina 2000 Scorpione Concept.
The Fiat Abarth Pininfarina 2000 Scorpione (quite the mouthful, isn’t it) is a one-off concept vehicle built by Fiat-Abarth in 1969.

The Fiat Abarth Pininfarina 2000 Scorpione (quite the mouthful, isn’t it) is a one-off concept vehicle built by Fiat-Abarth in 1969. Powered by a rear-mid mounted 220hp 2.0 liter DOHC flame-throwing 4 cylinder, this red-hot wedge of futuristic Italian style and flair had a theoretical top speed of 270kph (168mph), and absolutely crazy styling.

Who doesn't love forward-hinging windshield/door things?
Only one example was ever produced, and languished around in museums until it appeared at the 2014 Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d’Este, where it made quite a lot of noise.

Look at that crazy cannon-style exhaust!
If only Fiat made more of these crazy firebreathing monsters.

Looks like I can steal the oil filter easy
That might be a reason why it isn’t entirely road-legal.
Ugly as hell.
I think it looks pretty good
This guy who’s trying to make him turn it off so hard… burn in hell you non car-guy! What are you doing there at first place!?
That’s elemetary Wattsonn
Still looks modern, even today!
I don’t personally mind the looks of it but the more I look at it the more I feel like I’m looking at an eBay kit car.
Bozzy always gets the best car sounds videos
That retractable lightbar tho