Classifieds' Car Of The Day: Legendary Peugeot 205 GTi

Inspired by last night's Top Gear, we've been looking at amazing 80s hot hatches

Peugeot 205 GTi

Last night's Top Gear got us thinking about 80s hot hatchbacks. We wondered what we'd go for if tasked with buying such a car, and for us, it would have to be the Peugeot 205 GTi.

Peugeot 205 GTi 2

The diminutive Pug has gone down as one of the best drivers' cars ever made. It required a little more attention to drive than its rivals, but was amazingly rewarding in the process. In fact, the 205 GTi's legendary status has resulted in every subsequent hot Peugeot hatch being (sometimes unfairly) compared to it.

Peugeot 205 GTi 4

Early cars have a 105bhp 1.6-litre four-pot (eventually upped to 115bhp with a new cylinder head), while later cars sport a 1.9-litre - with either 122bhp or 130bhp depending upon the presence of a catalytic converter. Certainly doesn't sound ballistic, but with only 800kg to haul about, these things are usefully quick. 0-60mph takes 7.8-8.9 seconds depending on which engine you go for.

Peugeot 205 GTi 3

Much like the debate about the eight-valve and 16-valve versions of the Mk2 Golf GTi, the 205 GTi has always caused arguments about whether you should go for the 1.6-litre or 1.9-litre. To be honest, we'd say if you can find an affordable example of either in good condition, snap it up.

Peugeot 205 GTi 5

But it's finding a good'un that's the problem. This 1.6-litre example we've found looks good on first glance, but there are a few issues. Firstly, that exhaust doesn't look standard, and secondly, where the hell is the carpet? In general though it looks tidy, has only done 116,000 miles and has a full service history. Best of all, it's up for a thoroughly reasonable £1500. If you buy it, just make sure it doesn't suffer the same fate as Top Gear's 80s hatches...

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