This Could Be The Worst Mustang Launch Of All Time
This Mustang owner doesn't seem to understand how gears work
As if Mustang owners needed any more stick recently, this drag race hero has set a new low for launching talent. Lining up against a Chevrolet Camaro, the Ford owner proceeds to mistake reverse for first, culminating in a launch even Alex would be embarassed by.
He must have been a recent ricer who drove an automatic there is no other explanation to this
R for Race Mode!
When Mustang jokes go over the top…
Happens more than you would think hasnt happened to me but its the fact that they’lll scoot back then forget theyre in reverse not a excuse just an explanation
Someone’s in passenger seat showing him Mustang fail videos.
Mustangs… lol
R fir Race
R is for Race!
That Camaro makes the most beautiful noise… Wow <3