Crashing Off The Side Of A Mountain Doesn't Look Like My Idea Of Fun

'One year ago, today, I almost died' - this is the opening line of the description to the video where a driver of a Subaru Forester oversteers off the side of a mountain. Below is a full statement from one of the luckiest men alive!

The statement reads:

What happened? To put it simply, I was distracted at the one moment that required 110% focus on an unfamiliar road.

As an auto enthusiast, when you have a nice relatively fast car with a loud exhaust you tend to like tunnels. They make your exhaust sound that much better, sort of like singing in the shower… Well, I found myself accelerating through this nice long and dark pair of tunnels; I had done this many times before in other tunnels. At the exit, I could barely see because it was so bright, a person standing and holding something while motioning. Wondering what they were doing, I stared, and stared, reaching the top of 4th gear, all while trying to comprehend what they were trying to tell me. Then I figured it out. They were telling me to slow down and watch the curve ahead, but it was too late. When I think about it now, I don’t ever remember seeing the road ahead until I was nearly out of the tunnel. In my mind I had assumed that it just went straight. At that point I was exiting the tunnel straight as the road curved to the left. I had no time to slam on my brakes beforehand. Realizing I was going way too fast for that section, I applied the brakes softly in an effort to keep the back end from sliding out, but, combined with a bump and rough switch in surface texture from concrete to asphalt, I lost traction. I began sliding to the left, the car oversteering, rotating counter-clockwise, over the center marker. I counter-steered, turning the steering wheel all the way to the right, but kept sliding to the left into the turnout. It was at this moment I knew, I had f*cked up.

I slammed into a berm and expected to come to a complete stop, but the terrifying journey wasn’t over. I went over the edge. It happened so fast all I can remember is everything crashing and spinning. I thought I was rolling over down the side of the mountain. I was confident I was going to land upside down and get crushed. I was on the world’s worst roller coaster that could only end with death, or so I thought. I came to a stop, still yelling, not fully comprehending what just happened, or how far down the mountain I was and that I actually just crashed my car. Luckily for me, I landed on a rock wall that was part of a drainage pipe that went through the mountain. It was the only horizontally level piece on an extremely steep sloped hill. Had I spun off a few feet before or after, I’d be dead.

I never thought that I would be one of the guys that wrecks his car in the canyons. I’m not even close to being a pro driver, but I take a little pride in my situational awareness while driving, my somewhat decent understanding of vehicle dynamics and how various driver inputs affect a vehicle in motion, my autocross and canyon experience, and the fact that I haven’t gotten any tickets or into any accidents since I got my license. I guess I got too comfortable at the wrong moment and it got the best of me. It shows that things like this can happen to mostly anyone. The whole cruise up there was relaxed, leisurely, until that moment. I definitely wasn’t purposely trying to take that corner fast, I was caught up in the moment flying through those long tunnels, got distracted, and didn’t see the road ahead of me. I panicked last minute and that ultimately lead to this entire situation. I’m disappointed in myself, and I know some others may be disappointed in me as well. And I know it could have been worse in so many ways, and I’m kicking myself for that. But ultimately I’m glad to be alive and well.

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Car even looks like it is still driveable. I anticipated it to be a managed mess of metal after hitting the rail.

01/06/2016 - 16:05 |
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Jordan Mellinger

Hey respect to the man for owning up to his mistakes, that in itself makes him a better driver then 99% of drivers.

01/06/2016 - 16:31 |
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The driver’s horrifying shouts really intensified the whole incident for me O_O.. I replayed lots of times, because at first i was like, what how can you lose control in such a situation. But that can happen very quickly, over/understeer due to braking really is something that can happen to the best of us. Thanks for sharing.. I now understand how scary it is to drive off a mountain, since i have massive mountains only 20 kms from where i live and i like to drive rather sporty through them.. Glad the driver is ok :D

01/06/2016 - 16:51 |
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Thanks guys for the kind words! Glad to know there are at least some people who somewhat understand my situation and my intentions for sharing.
I know I messed up, going much faster than I should have, I was caught up in the moment, did everything wrong and it got the best of me. I realize I could have injured others and at the scene that was something that was constantly going through my head.
I have more than learned from my mistake and I do things differently now.

01/06/2016 - 17:25 |
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Wilberto Agosto

I thought it still had a second chance at life, didn’t look too bad

01/06/2016 - 17:35 |
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That Guy Who Drives a Skoda

if cleveland brown ended up doing that

01/06/2016 - 17:35 |
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Is it just me or were they expecting a way sharper turn at the end of the tunnel? I feel like if that guy wasn’t there at the end of the tunnel telling you to slow down you wouldn’t of panicked when you looked back at the turn and wouldn’t of let off and freaked out, but like he said distracted driving. Very lucky man and glad you are okay though!

01/06/2016 - 17:41 |
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I guess I can understand how this happened. But it looks to me like if you would’ve just slammed on your brakes you would’ve been fine. I can’t possibly imagine that guy was waving you for a turn, it looks like he was saying “we’re stopping here” and you tried to do something weird and that caused you to crash.

Still happy your okay.

01/06/2016 - 17:48 |
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as a fellow Subaru enthusiast, that was incredibly painful to see. the first shot of the car after the accident, my reaction was “that wasn’t as bad as i thought it was…”. then they pulled it up off the hill :(

01/06/2016 - 18:31 |
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His car didn’t look too beat up. It also seemed like the tires were cold. I’m glad the driver is fine. Driving off a mountain is my biggest driving fear, right after the fear of any damage occurring to my car.

01/06/2016 - 20:19 |
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