CT Worldwide - Enjoy our multilingual communities!

Here at CT, we like to include everyone! Maybe you speak a different language, but still want to join the fun, or you’re just getting started with a new language and you need a good place to practice.

Here at CT, we like to include everyone! Maybe you speak a different language, but still want to join the fun, or you’re just getting started with a new language and you need a good place to practice. Either way, the French Speaking, Spanish Speaking, and German Speaking Communities are here for you to use and enjoy!

The German Speaking Community

CT Worldwide - Enjoy our multilingual communities!

Our most recent addition to the group of multilingual communities is the German Speaking Community! So, if you’re already German speaking, or are just getting into the language, this is the place to sprechen Deutsch!

French and Spanish Speaking Communities

CT Worldwide - Enjoy our multilingual communities!

Also, don’t forget about our higher mileage (but still good) French Speaking and Spanish Speaking Communities!


CT Worldwide - Enjoy our multilingual communities!

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01/13/2016 - 22:21 |
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Andrei S

No Russian community? :0

01/13/2016 - 22:22 |
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01/13/2016 - 22:57 |
13 | 0

Juhu endlich, das freut mich so sehr :D
Deutschsprechende vereint euch haha :D
Yeah finally, I am so happy :D
Germanspeaking people unite haha :D

01/13/2016 - 22:33 |
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Ja, komm’ ich

01/13/2016 - 23:49 |
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If only i could speak german, spanish or french as fluently as english.

01/13/2016 - 22:36 |
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Jake Orr

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Might be a good opportunity to practice!

01/13/2016 - 22:41 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)


It’s not really as popular, but take some pride in it. My codriver is from Slovakia… And he also moved to Canada. Now, he is going to return to Slovakia temporarily… Say hi to him!

01/14/2016 - 00:04 |
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What abpie polish? The country that most moves to England I Poland and there are some polish CTZens here, like me for example

01/13/2016 - 22:51 |
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I don’t really think that there’s enough of us to make such community live anyway. Nothing would be happening there, and I don’t think CT administrators are intending to make a separate community for each language- it takes time and effort that wouldn’t pay off. We can do nothing more but dream about it ;)

01/13/2016 - 23:01 |
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Well im from germany but im rather staying at the average english speakin communities.

01/13/2016 - 23:04 |
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Victor 1

They could do a Brazilian community

01/13/2016 - 23:18 |
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Portuguese community? Think about it as a question of numbers and popularity, and pitch the wider audience!

01/14/2016 - 00:01 |
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Cody's Car Conundrum

Thank you for bringing the community closer and making it broader for everyone else. You sir are #DaRealMVP.

You deserve a raise :D.

01/13/2016 - 23:25 |
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Evan Benoit

We all speak the same language, cars!

01/13/2016 - 23:30 |
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braps internally in agreement

01/14/2016 - 00:10 |
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Boosted Boris

Ik denk dat we binnenkort ook Nederlandse “gemeenschap” (<- gvd wat een lelijk woord btw.) moeten fixen.

Hey, I bet you didn’t expect that?

01/13/2016 - 23:51 |
3 | 0

Meen je dit? Ben je echt nederlands?

01/14/2016 - 00:03 |
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I did. And I agree

01/14/2016 - 00:05 |
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Echt lelijk woord

01/14/2016 - 00:10 |
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Zijn we het mee eens :)
Word tijd.

BTW. they have never watched your video’s if they didn’t expect that ;)

01/14/2016 - 10:12 |
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