This Cyclist Exacted Her Revenge On A Sexist Van Douchebag
After being at the receiving end of catcalling and harassment in central London, this cyclist struck back
We’re not entirely sure when this incident happened, but it looks to have started on Goodge Street in central London.
While we obviously can’t condone criminal damage, there’s a satisfying sense of street justice when the harassed cyclist strikes back after being on the receiving end of such appalling behaviour.
It’s hard to tell exactly what part the van driver had to play in this, but since he’s honking his horn and pulling closer to the cyclist, it certainly seems as though he’s happy to join in. Hopefully the newfound infamy the pair now have will make them think twice about their attitude…
Good for her. Those guys were scum
Was that Harambe at the end?
Apparently this was staged
Wouldnt suprise me
Had to be said…
Revenge kicked in yo!
This is in London. Where I’m from if you catcall the wrong woman you get shot #America #2a
Yeah, great. Men, and boys, need to start thinking about how they behave towards women. It is not OK to say “oh, u look sexy” or things like “u wanna follow me home” or comment on their looks. It is f-ing wrong, and I just love to see some instant karma, even though this do not quality as “karma”. F-ng pigs!
I LOVE IT!!! So proud of that cyclist
Should have atleast drove his bike away with a burnout.
she is really strong