Dodge Fans Like Toilet Humour, And Other Amusing Revelations From This Hilarious Online Profiling Tool

YouGov is a massive online market research site, which lets people take surveys in order to provide insight into a wide range of subjects. It recently revealed the Profiler section of its site, which allows anyone to type in pretty much anything, and discover what is typically true of fans of that particular thing.
Subjects range from fruit and vegetables to sports, public figures and technology. Naturally, we immediately began searching for anything car related to discover what YouGov’s vast swathes of data could tell us.
YouGov is UK-based, so the information is based on British fans, but some of the revelations are simply hilarious. So here we present our guide to the car industry, as told by YouGov’s Profiler:

The typical Dodge fan is a man aged 25-39, and if the little avatar is anything to go by, they don’t dress up too much and can’t be bothered to shave every day. Their political leanings are decidedly right-wing, and are most likely to work in engineering. Curiously they are most likely to drive a Chrysler.
In their spare time, typical Dodge fans like to do online shopping and play video games, spending their limited spare cash on animal charities. Their personality is fairly immature as they find toilet humour funny (though find me a man that doesn’t), and they’re anti-religion.
Jeremy Clarkson

It might be unsurprising to learn that fans of Jezza are older men, with plenty of spare income who share the TG presenter’s rather right-wing views. They tend to work in engineering, and enjoy motorsports and driving as hobbies.
They also appear to be the image of Britishness, enjoying ham, egg and chips, as well as not really understanding vegetarians - this we can relate to.

That suit-wearing depiction of a Ford fan pretty much says it all. An older gentleman, they claim family time is important to them, but they prefer to get drunk at home - perhaps to help them put up with the snotty grandchildren they’re often tasked with babysitting?
Their interests and hobbies are perfectly aligned with those of the retired; gardening, DIY and growing fruit and vegetables. They listen to music from the good old days on BBC Radio 2, and spend much of their limited spare income at home improvement stores.

We tend to think of Skoda as being one for the younger generations who never grew up with the Czech manufacturer’s old rust-bucket reputation, but according to YouGov’s data the typical Skoda driver is a 60+ hipster.
Apparently Skoda drivers are conscientious, particularly about what they eat. Their families tend to eat fair trade and avoid junk food, sitting in silence rather than listen to oppressive advertising.
They’re outdoorsy types, spending very few hours online or in front of the television, only tuning in for regional news and weather.
Fast & Furious

The typical F&F fan is a young man who likes to spend a lot of time online and watching television. They also enjoy board games and typically own a cat…
It’ll be no surprise to older generations that these young blokes lounging around watching car movies all day are typically lazy and easy going, but in their defence they do think it’s important to seize opportunities when they arise.
BMW 3-series

The BMW 3-series profile is probably the least surprising of the lot. Just look at that guy; he’s clearly as much of a douchebag as you’d think, with his shirt untucked and man bag slung over his shoulder. He also works in insurance and has loads of disposable income.
He likes to spend his time on the golf course, no doubt mulling over the next big deal his company is about to make, before going home to his cat. They are, on occasion, arrogant, demanding and selfish, and only ever shop for top quality products.
Toyota Prius

The car everyone loves to hate is another motor that appeals to the old hippies. They’re open-minded about alternative medicines, and like to select their clothes based on comfort rather than style.
Toyota Prius drivers spend a lot of money on train travel, which is perhaps unsurprising given the alternative is to drive their car…
Have you found any other hilarious automotive profiles in the YouGov app? Let us know in the comments!
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