Driving A Black Car Means You're 'Dangerous, Rebellious And Great In Bed'

If you drive a green car, then we have bad news: you’re unfashionable and, because you’re least likely to let other drivers out of a junction, also a bit of a douchebag. Had you picked a black car, however, things would be different: you’d be dangerous, rebellious, powerful and great in bed.
These are the findings of a recent survey carried out by Flexed.co.uk. Of 1550 people who bought or leased new cars, the findings also concluded that buyers of black cars would be ‘more likely’ to be involved in an accident and a road rage incident.
Drivers of white cars made their decision based on their love of modernity and were also most likely to own a family car.

Unsurprisingly, a red car lease or purchase reflected your extrovert nature and greater likelihood of being ‘angry’ while behind the wheel. Drivers of blue cars came off well - happy, confident, well-mannered - while those in possession of a silver car drive most carefully and tend to be more mature.
Drivers of brown cars are thought to be ‘dull, introverted’ and most likely to be the victim in an accident, and green car owners are unfashionable and unlikely to let people out of a junction (aka douchebag drivers).
While we know that most petrolheads will never buy a new car, we’d still be interested to find out the colour of your ride. Put a tick next to your colour in the poll below and tell us your motivations for that colour choice (if any).
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