Driving Right Up To A Half Mile-Wide Tornado Is Either Very Brave Or Very Stupid

The idea of storm chasing isn't terribly appealing to most of us, but those who are brave/mad enough to drive up to huge tornados sure do come back with some amazing footage!
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This half mile-wide tornado hit Eastern Colorado on Saturday, injuring five people and knocking down 40 power lines. It was one of several twisters to touch down in the region at the weekend, and while we wouldn’t have fancied driving up to any of them ourselves, there’s no denying this footage is pretty captivating to watch…

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Sources: Jalopnik and NBC

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when your trying to test down force on your new google self driving car

05/10/2016 - 01:22 |
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This was in my home state of Colorado, kinda scary

05/10/2016 - 03:52 |
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Adam 24
05/10/2016 - 12:44 |
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Riders on the the storm…

05/10/2016 - 16:05 |
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half a mile wide? wut, that doesn’t even look a few hundred feet wide

05/10/2016 - 20:50 |
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If you seen the old Discovery Channel show Stormchasers then you will realize that the people who do this aren’t hillbilly’s, their trying to help the world by learning about tornados to save lives by giving us warnings earlier.

05/10/2016 - 21:36 |
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The only reason they didn’t get launched into the sky is probably because Killer Keemstar was in the vehicle with them

05/11/2016 - 13:08 |
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i sware i watched this video last night, just randomly.

05/11/2016 - 19:11 |
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tyler rekart

people who live in tornado valley dont care about tornado’s

05/12/2016 - 17:23 |
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