Every Petrolhead's Nightmare Realised: Watch A Mechanic Mistreat A Customer's Mustang

When this Mustang owner put his car in for repairs, the mechanics took it out and drove it at the redline for miles to either 'break it of fix it'

The scariest thing for any petrolhead to do is hand over their car to mechanics. There’s always the worry that it might be mistreated while out of your sight, and for this unfortunate Mustang owner that fear was realised. Here’s the YouTube description:

I had a small knock from the top of my engine, maybe carbon build up. The mechanic, instead of treating with chemicals(protocol), decided that it would be easier to run my car in first gear for 5 miles at redline. He discusses with another mechanic in the car how he would like to either fix it or blow it up. My expensive Shelby CS1 wheels were damaged along with the transmission during the time they had my car. There was rubber down the sides of my car and 80+ miles on my car from when the camera was shut off by the shop foreman.

I gave them 2 chances to repaint the wheels, until they had to replace them finally. They gave the car back to me with 3 new wheels and told me that they replaced 4, THEY LIED again. I spent much time trying for them to get my wheels balanced after that, and to top it off, now my transmission flare is considered normal to them, even though it was operating properly when I dropped it off, they refuse to fix it without an engine light code. My car is not shifting normally from 3rd to 4th gear now and sometimes loses the gear completely.
After over a month of time back and forth to the dealership, I have come to the conclusion that this will never get resolved and I am too scared and untrust worthy of this dealership to keep my car out of my site again.

I record in and out of my car at all times and my cameras are in clear site of view. The mechanics point out the camera and mention that it is possible that it is recording.

After all the issues I had with this dealership, the mechanic still has a job at this dealership servicing cars.
How I kept my cool, i do not know! My wheels have been replaced finally! They will not repair the transmission and I have the extended service plans. What a shame!

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