FCA’s Stupid Shifter Is A Symptom Of A Bigger Problem In Automotive Trends

The problematic FCA shifter shows that if attempts at cleverness continue to override common sense, we'll all be in a heap of trouble
FCA’s Stupid Shifter Is A Symptom Of A Bigger Problem In Automotive Trends

Here’s your official disclaimer for this article: what follows is a whole bunch of opinion based on a bit of experience behind the wheel of hundreds of different vehicles new and old. Some of my more memorable rides include 600bhp+ prototype muscle cars, highly-strung Japanese pocket rockets, a hearse, an ambulance, and an incident with a 2010 Taurus getting slightly airborne at Ford’s Dearborn proving grounds. Point being, despite being a non-traditional automotive journalist, I’ve driven lots of cars from just about every genre you can imagine.

Stepping beyond experience, however, is something I like to call common sense. And to mix that with a little science I’m reminded of Occam’s Razor - a problem-solving principle which basically says the best solution is the simple one. I had a personal run-in with this concept a couple years ago when, in a fit of engineering madness I attempted to design a brilliantly complex cookware rack in my kitchen. I’d finished three pages of schematics before I realised my wife had already set a simple wire shelf with some S-hooks between the upper cabinets. Problem solved, quite eloquently I might add, in about 30 seconds.

FCA’s Stupid Shifter Is A Symptom Of A Bigger Problem In Automotive Trends

A few months later I had another run-in with Occam’s Razor, this time behind the wheel of a 2014 Dodge Charger with - you guessed it - the infamous FCA electronic shifter for the automatic transmission. This particular car was a V6 all-wheel drive model that was in my care for a weekend and the better part of 200 miles, and it was rubbish. The interior was surprisingly cramped for such a large sedan, visibility was terrible, power was adequate but utterly uninspiring, the handling was flaccid, and then there was that stupid shifter.

First thing’s first - yes the shifter did indicate what gear the car was in, but after three days I still wasn’t used to glancing at those reference points to triple-check whether P, N, R or D/S was illuminated. And I absolutely needed to triple-check, because numerous times I found myself in neutral instead of drive, and worse yet, reverse instead of park. That’s because the movement of the shifter is very subtle and quite fussy. Simply bumping it forward or backward didn’t always affect a gear change despite feeling it bump against the stops.

For me, decades of driving automatics with fixed positions for the shifter would not be undone by a weekend of this glorified toggle switch gear selector. Perhaps it would’ve become second nature with time, but since this crackpot design has been linked to well over 200 accidents, 68 injuries and possibly the death of a young Hollywood movie star, it’s clearly not second nature to a whole bunch of people with presumably much more seat time than me.

FCA’s Stupid Shifter Is A Symptom Of A Bigger Problem In Automotive Trends

And now, Fiat Chrysler’s fix is a software patch that takes three and a half hours to install and is designed to automatically engage park when the door is opened. Except it still isn’t available on all models using this shifter, so those people will make do with enhancements to “the warnings and shift strategy.” And for people like my brother who loads vehicles onto car haulers with the driver door open slightly to ensure it’s straight on the ramps, I suspect their jobs will be a bit tougher. Still, better than having your skull smashed when it rolls backward on you.

Obviously this whole mess could’ve been avoided if FCA hadn’t tried to solve a problem that didn’t exist in the first place. I’m not anti-technology, but I am legitimately concerned about the increasing technical interfaces manufacturers are developing to control basic vehicle systems. BMW’s iDrive has long been a source of frustration for many for its complicated functionality, and Ford’s Sync system isn’t too popular either.

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I’m not going to get into a deep analysis of such systems here, but the fact that so many people consider them a hindrance should hopefully be a wake-up call to manufacturers. And by wake-up call, I mean a gigantically fat kick in the plums to remind them that cars are forms of transportation first and foremost, not mobile internet hubs, movie theatres, or 24th century interstellar shuttles. If you want to deck out your models with a bunch of tech, fine. But at least leave the basic controls, you know, basic. I figured that was common sense. Am I wrong?

Cars will continue to evolve, like it or not. That doesn’t have to be a bad thing, but for crying out loud, let’s keep some perspective here. Whether or not the tragic death of Anton Yelchin does turn out to be the result of FCA’s ill-conceived electronic shifter, I sincerely hope auto manufacturers learn a very important lesson here: clever isn’t always better.

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Kyle Ashdown

Considering my truck doesn’t even have the safety that keeps the car from starting when the clutch is out, and I haven’t crashed, I’m going to call this one “operator error” although it’s clear that designers need to recognize this. My own opinion piece will follow.

07/04/2016 - 18:32 |
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Jax Rhapsody

I hate those shifters. You shouldn’t need to pay THAT much attention to an automatic shifter, so that’s an excuse. It’s a pos shifter nomatter how you look at it, plus it looks exactly like the normal one, and until you discover it’s limited range of movement- nothing tells you; “oh, it’s just a giant rocker switch.”

First time i encountered one, I hthought it was the regular shifter, driven many of them, still.hate them, still think they are mildly diffucult to use, same with the bmw’s, I don’t want to think that much trying to put an automatic in proper gear. Simple solution: keep making real normal shifters that shift- not some stupid computer game control stick retardness. On that note, their knob can suck 50 peens, too.

07/05/2016 - 03:11 |
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I only wonder why such accidents happen only on FCA vehicles. Audi and BMW have same kind of shifter on their products, but I haven’t heard any reports of rolling related to them.

07/05/2016 - 07:50 |
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The red little car

Manufacturers weren’t thinking anything… The offer is just a result of the demand. People ask for automatic self autonomous thing. To join Clarkson point people aren’t interested in driving so they are bad at it.

07/05/2016 - 13:23 |
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This is what happens when non car guys make cars.

07/06/2016 - 18:51 |
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Am i better?

07/07/2016 - 02:43 |
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Simple solution make all cars manual

09/25/2016 - 16:08 |
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Not really on topic…regarding iDrive and it’s “complicated” controls. When I tried it for the first time…well it was the most intuitive part of car. What’s so hard to understand? Or am I just weird…

09/25/2016 - 16:13 |
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Sadly, auto-manufacturers target their cars to people who mostly aren’t car people. These are people who only see a car as a means to get from point A, to point B. People who have the mindset of “Well, this car has more technology, and gadgets than that car. So it MUST be better”. This problem is only going to get worse in the future, to the point where the only time a car enthusiast will buy a new car is when their spouse who isn’t into cars as much wants a brand new car. Or if they have the money to strip all the bullshit out of the car, to replace it with something that is fun, and much more dependable.

09/25/2016 - 19:27 |
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Working at a Jaguar Land Rover And Maserati dealership, new Rovers have something similar along with the f type. Also the new ghiblis and quattroporte. No big issue just look down for not even a second to make sure you’re in good gear. And one thing I’ve learned from driving vehicles in drive on lifts is that it’s better to stick your head out from the driver window to load a car on a ramp but that’s just my opinion. Never had one issue with those shifters

09/26/2016 - 04:00 |
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