Final Gear Has Been Forced To Remove Its Top Gear Episode Links

The links page on the Top Gear site which fans the world over use to obtain episode torrents has been forced to close due to copyright infringement
Final Gear Has Been Forced To Remove Its Top Gear Episode Links

Top Gear has a worldwide fan base, which means there are thousands upon thousands of watches in parts of the world where episodes are aired long after they premier on BBC2, or not aired at all. The solution for many has been to head along to Top Gear and Fifth Gear fansite Final Gear, which for years has kept a list of torrent links for all Top Gear episodes, without actually hosting any of the downloads itself.

This isn’t something the Top Gear rights holders are particularly happy about, so BBC Worldwide Consumer Products has now issued a DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) Take-Down notice, forcing the site to remove the links page. The full notice can be read here.

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